Home » today » World » United States suffers deadliest day of Covid pandemic with 5,000 dead as Biden deploys 1,000 troops to deliver vaccines

United States suffers deadliest day of Covid pandemic with 5,000 dead as Biden deploys 1,000 troops to deliver vaccines

The United States recorded the deadliest day in the Covid pandemic with more than 5,000 dead, as Biden deploys 1,000 troops to help deliver vaccines across the country.

The grim new record of 5,077 deaths continues a wave of deaths after the holiday period, eclipsing the previous record of 4,466 deaths, recorded on January 12.

The sobering new figure comes as experts are baffled by a 50% drop in new infections.

The average number of new infections per day; 121645, half of what it was at the peak of the pandemic on January 12, according to Mail Online.

National hospitalizations had fallen to 88,668, the first time they had fallen below 90,000 since November 27.

The trend in deaths was generally several weeks behind the trends in cases and hospitalizations, both of which had declined in the past three weeks.

For the first time since Thanksgiving, fewer than 90,000 people have been hospitalized for Covid, according to data from the Covid Tracking Project.

The drop in cases and hospitalizations came as vaccine rollout continued slowly, with 8.7% of the population now vaccinated.

Meanwhile, the Pentagon announced that more than 1,100 troops would be deployed to five vaccination centers.

The massive deployment of military teams was part of what would be the first wave of increased military support for the White House campaign, to get more Americans vaccinated against Covid-19.

New President Joe Biden has called for the establishment of 100 mass vaccination centers across the country within a month, according to ABC Reports 11.

Two of the five new military teams have been dispatched to open vaccination centers in California, while three more centers are expected to be announced shortly.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency had asked the Pentagon to provide up to 10,000 service members to staff 100 centers.

Among these sites used as vaccination centers, there would be the stadiums of the NFL league.

A letter sent to Joe Biden by NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell and obtained by The Associated Press said many stadiums would be able to move vaccination efforts forward quickly, due to previous offers to use them as test centers and election sites.

“We look forward to continuing discussions with your administration as well as with your state and local government partners to move this effort forward,” Goodell wrote to Biden.

Seven clubs were already in use as part of the vaccination efforts; Arizona, Atlanta, Baltimore, Caroline, Houston, Miami and New England.

In a letter to President Joe Biden obtained by The Associated Press on Friday, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said many stadiums should be able to quickly advance vaccination efforts due to previous offers to use stadiums as virus testing centers and election sites.

The seven clubs that are already using their stadiums as vaccination sites are Arizona, Atlanta, Baltimore, Carolina, Houston, Miami and New England.

“We look forward to continuing discussions with your administration as well as with your state and local government partners to move this effort forward,” Goodell’s letter read.

Governor Andrew Cuomo has indicated he will expand immunization eligibility for people with co-morbidities in less than two weeks.

He would also consider increasing the reopening of New York City’s indoor dining hall by a few days, he said in a briefing earlier this week, NBC New York reported.

The governor said he wanted to give hospitals an extra week to encourage frontline health workers who had not been vaccinated to do so.

Then the doses for that group would be reallocated to local governments; a pivot in prioritization is expected to begin on February 15.

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