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United States: suffering from cancer, his wife must leave the hospital, he denounces the antivax

the essential
In a video he posted on Tik tok, this American denounces the health situation, where hospitals are overloaded. He attacked those who refuse to be vaccinated and then end up in the hospital after contracting the virus.

Patients refused at the doors of hospitals. On the Tik tok network, an American denounced the situation in the United States, where his wife, in full treatment for breast cancer, was refused a hospital bed because of the influx of Covid patients.

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The man attacked anyone who refused vaccination on American soil, ending up in hospital after contracting the virus. “If you don’t believe that the Covid really exists, that you think it’s nothing and you really believe that you don’t need to be vaccinated, it’s your right. I’m not going to argue about That. On the other hand, I want to discuss the fact that you run to the hospital as soon as you are infected with the virus, he blasted. Why 99% (percentage which corresponds to data issued by the US government on June 29 last) people infected with the Covid virus in hospital are not vaccinated? “.

In the video, taken over by West France, this American explains that his wife has stage 4 of breast cancer, “She had been in the hospital for two days. By the third day, she honestly could have stayed another day, maybe even two. But on the third day instead of draining […] they told us that she had to leave the hospital because they no longer have a room available because of the Covid, he detailed. Collateral damage is people like my wife who need medical help for a chronic illness. ”The husband started an online fundraiser to help his wife, as well as a clothing line.

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