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United States Prepares for Escalating Tensions in the Middle East with THAAD Deployment

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As you can see, the front is expanding.

As tensions in the Middle East continue to escalate, the United States has also begun preparations.

We have begun strengthening our readiness posture, including deploying the high-altitude missile defense system and THAAD.

Let’s find out more about this in New York.

Correspondent Kang Na-rim!

Movements in the United States have become quite busy.

They started deploying THAAD in the Middle East?

◀ Reporter ▶

Yes, the United States deployed additional THAAD batteries and Patriot battalions to the Middle East today.

The Israeli military is increasing the intensity of its air strikes, and as tensions over armed conflict between Iran and Hezbollah grow, the United States is also stepping up its defense posture.

We are responding to attacks on U.S. forces in the Middle East by increasing the number of troops on standby from the previously announced number of 2,000, while also preparing for expanded warfare.

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What is attracting more attention than anything else right now is Israel’s entry into the ground war.

President Biden said he was talking to Israel about postponing the ground war?

◀ Reporter ▶

Yes, at the meeting with reporters today, another question came up about the postponement of the ground war.

When asked whether he was “recommending Israel to postpone its invasion of Gaza,” President Biden responded, “We are currently talking to Israel.”

Let’s listen.

[조 바이든/미국 대통령]

″<이스라엘에 지상전 연기를 권하고 있습니까?> We are talking to Israel.″

Given that the United States is concerned about large-scale civilian casualties, including hostages, and the spread of war in the Middle East, some interpret it as conveying pressure to be cautious about ground warfare.

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In fact, yesterday, to the question, “Should Israel postpone the ground war,” I answered “yes,” but then changed my answer to “no.”

It seems like positions are going back and forth, but what should we think of America’s true intentions?

◀ Reporter ▶

The White House acknowledged yesterday that the answer was a mistake, but some say it was a deliberate attempt to reveal its true intentions in hopes of delaying the ground war.

The United States has promised full support for Israel, but has also warned against excessive retaliation.

As an extension of that, the intention is to put pressure on Israel.

On the other hand, there is a view that the White House’s explanation is simply a mistake.

This is not the first time President Biden has made a mistake.

There was always controversy as to whether he was pretending to make a mistake and revealing his true intentions or whether it was a mistake due to his advanced age. However, if the same mistake is made repeatedly, it can be seen as intentional, so we will have to watch his subsequent remarks.

We have delivered this information so far from New York.

Video coverage: Ahn Jeong-gyu (New York) / Video editing: Park Byeong-geun

#U.S #deploys #THAAD #Middle #East #strengthens #defense #posture
2023-10-22 11:00:40

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