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United States National Day – Almost free from the pandemic

Around a thousand guests were invited to the White House, where the president compared the fight against the coronavirus with the Declaration of Independence in 1776.

– 240 years ago we declared our independence from a distant king. Today, we are closer than ever to declaring our freedom from a deadly virus, he said to those present, mostly health care workers who have worked with covid-19 patients, as well as the military and their families.

– We have gained the upper hand against this virus, Biden said.

– But do not misunderstand me. Covid-19 has not been overcome. We all know that disturbing variants have emerged, such as the delta variant, he added.

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Did not reach vaccine target

The United States has taken major steps towards reopening, but Biden has not succeeded in reaching the goal that 70 percent of the adult population should have received at least one dose of coronary vaccine by the national day.

According to the authorities, the number ended up at about 67 percent, 46 percent fully vaccinated, and in several areas in the American countryside, the numbers for hospital admissions are rising.

According to Anthony Fauci, the United States’ leading infection control adviser, unvaccinated Americans now account for more than 99 percent of the country’s corona deaths.

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Towards brighter times

Biden remembered the more than 600,000 Americans who have lost their lives as a result of the pandemic, but were optimistic about the country’s future prospects.

According to Biden, under his leadership, the United States is “on the way to reuniting” after a major split during Donald Trump’s reign.

– Over the past year, we have lived through some of our darkest days. Now we are moving towards our brightest future, said Biden.

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