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United States. Hawaii tries to seduce confined workers

How about spending a month working on one of Hawaii’s islands (United States) in exchange for a few hours of volunteering? This is the “travel” program focusing on remote work during the confinement related to the novel coronavirus epidemic, offered by several companies in conjunction with local authorities.

Entitled “Movers & Shakas” (the sign “shaka” is a wave of the wrist with the thumb and little finger raised, the other three being folded up), this public / private partnership initially offers fifty one-way flights. free return to the island of Oahu and its capital Honolulu for those selected, who must agree to stay there for at least one month.

In exchange, the employees selected will have to give some of their time and spend a few hours a week working for a non-profit association, in line with their skills. “These workers will arrive on the island with remuneration that will help strengthen our economy, decimated by the reduced number of tourists due to the Covid-19 pandemic ”says Jason Higa, CEO of FCH Enterprises, Zippy’s parent company and one of the driving forces behind the program. “With one of the lowest per capita infection rates in the United States and an abundance of social distancing activities and dining experiences, Hawaii is ideal for those looking for a safe place to work and stay. loosen “.

While many companies, especially in the tech sector, allow their employees to work from anywhere during this health crisis, the group behind the program hopes that Hawaii will win them over and support, among other things, the rental real estate market.

In addition to flights, there are additional incentives, including reduced fares at hotels, restaurants, selected stores and activities. “Working on our islands can provide an ideal and needed respite from these months of isolation. Many employees show signs of burnout caused by remote work. We offer them a boost of energy and good humor ”.

The deadline to apply to “Movers & Shakas” has been set for December 15th. Hawaii is confident that its economy will rebound in less than two weeks, but also to see “Associations and communities benefit from the know-how of talented professionals”.

Once selected, the lucky ones will have to commit to “being good neighbors”, by signing a commitment and approving all the clauses of it, in order to be able to receive all the benefits of the program.

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