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United States: A hen arrested while trying to enter the Pentagon

UNITED STATES – A new kind of spy? A hen was apprehended early Monday, January 31, while “snooping around the secure area of ​​the Pentagon”, in Arlington, Virginia, very close to Washington DC, the American federal capital, one of the most protected buildings world, an animal rights organization has announced.

Employees of the Animal Welfare League of Arlington were called to pick up the poultry and return it to a chicken coop, the association said on its Facebook account.

The gallinaceous intrusion attempt was also reported by the newspaper Military Times. “Did she just get lost, trying to cross the street? Or is she a spy on a mission to steal state secrets? She is keeping her mouth shut for the moment,” this publication specializing in military affairs questioned with humor.

Internet users have in any case suggested baptizing the hen with the name of Ethel Rosenberg, the famous American arrested and executed for spying for the benefit of the Soviet Union in the 1950s.

See also on the HuffPost: The dog of this family was actually a fox that ate the neighbours’ chickens

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