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United States: 2-year-old finds a gun in a loved one’s bag and kills himself

New drama in the United States. A 2-year-old boy died in Texas on Wednesday after finding a loaded gun in a loved one’s backpack, a tragic tragedy in the United States. The boy was shot in the head and, at this stage of the investigation, appears to have “accidentally shot himself,” Waco police said in a statement.

The gun owner, 21, fled after the gunfire. He eventually surrendered to the police and was taken into custody and charged with “withholding evidence”. The drama is part of a staggering series of comparable accidents.

40,000 gun deaths

“Every year in the United States, hundreds of children gain access to loaded and unsecured guns, in closets, nightstands, backpacks or purses, or simply left lying around” and unintentionally shoot , according to a recent report from Everytown For Gun Safety.

The organization, which campaigns for a better regulation of firearms, has since 2015 identified these “unintentional shootings” of minors and their consequences. According to his tally, they have caused 765 deaths in the past six years and 111 since January 1, and left more than 1,500 injured.

The US Constitution speaks of a right to carry guns, which most Americans hold dear, even though it is interpreted differently, and 30% of adults own at least one gun. Each year, these weapons cause an estimated 40,000 deaths, including suicides, according to the Gun Violence Archive website.

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