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United Nations Adopts Abu Dhabi Guidelines to Combat Terrorist Use of Drones

The Counter-Terrorism Committee of the Security Council adopted the “Abu Dhabi Guidelines,” which were published as an official document of the Council, during the UAE’s presidency of the Committee, and at the end of its membership in the Security Council.

This important achievement establishes a set of guidelines that address the threats posed by the use of unmanned aircraft systems for terrorist purposes, as the document is the first of its kind in the United Nations to confront the increasing challenges posed by unmanned aircraft systems in the context of combating terrorism, and it consists of four guiding principles. , focuses on integrating drone threats into national counter-terrorism strategies, establishing special legal frameworks, raising awareness of their threats, developing measures to detect, identify, deter and respond to them, developing capabilities, and exchanging information, in order to enhance international cooperation.

The Counter-Terrorism Committee took the initiative to develop these non-binding guidelines, within the framework of the Delhi Declaration on Combating the Use of New and Emerging Technology for Terrorist Purposes, recognizing the urgent need to address the evolving threat posed by the use of such technology for terrorist activities.

As the current Chairman of the Counter-Terrorism Committee, the UAE has facilitated this crucial initiative, reflecting its commitment to promoting global peace and security.

The Permanent Representative of the UAE to the United Nations, Ambassador Lana Nusseibeh, said: “In light of a changing technological landscape, the historic adoption of the (Abu Dhabi Guidelines) is a decisive step taken by the United Nations towards combating terrorist possession and use of drones, through developing effective strategies.” Such as enhancing cooperation and capacity building.”

She added: “The principles, as part of a comprehensive approach, will fundamentally enhance the capabilities of member states and stakeholders to facilitate the detection of these threats, their identification, and methods to deter them and respond to them.”

The UAE looks forward to continuing cooperation with the international community to promote, implement and support the Abu Dhabi Guiding Principles, strengthen collective efforts to protect global security, and combat the use of unmanned aircraft systems in terrorist activities.

Lana Nusseibeh:

• The historic adoption of the “Abu Dhabi Guidelines”, a decisive step taken by the United Nations towards combating terrorist possession and use of drones.

• The principles focus on integrating drone threats into national counter-terrorism strategies, and developing measures to detect, identify, deter and respond to them.

2023-12-31 23:00:51
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