The Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport has designated the United Kingdom (UK) as a very high-risk area. “This is because of the worrying delta variant of the coronavirus that is circulating there,” says the ministry. Bangladesh, Pakistan, Myanmar and Nepal have been designated as very high-risk areas for the same reason.
From Tuesday 00.01 a quarantine obligation will apply and no longer a quarantine advice for travelers traveling from these countries to the Netherlands. They must have a correct and fully completed quarantaineverklaring possess. Travelers who do not comply with the quarantine obligation can receive a fine of 339 euros. Anyone who does not have a quarantine statement can be fined 95 euros.
Travelers traveling by ship or plane from these countries to the Netherlands must show a negative PCR test of a maximum of 72 hours old and a negative rapid test of a maximum of 24 hours old. Train and bus passengers or people traveling by car must show a mandatory negative PCR test and are required to go into quarantine.
Truck drivers and other persons working in the transport of goods are exempt from the quarantine obligation, the PCR test and the rapid test.
Reason for vigilance
The United Kingdom had 8125 new infections today, the highest number since the end of February. In 90 percent of the cases it concerns the delta variant. Prime Minister Johnson will announce on Monday whether the relaxation of the lockdown planned for June 21 can continue.
In the Netherlands, until Monday, there were thirteen infections with the delta variant (formerly Indian variant) have been detected. That is not much, but there is enough reason to be vigilant, said Jaap van Dissel of the RIVM. The delta variant is 40 to 50 percent more contagious than the alpha variant (previously British variant).
Whether this higher contagiousness also applies in the Netherlands was not entirely clear on Monday. In recent weeks, the number of infections with the delta variant in the Netherlands has been stable: between 0.1 and 0.3 percent of the number of infections that were investigated. In Denmark and Germany the situation was comparable to the Netherlands.