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United Kingdom no longer a member of the European Union Abroad

The partygoers on Parliament Square waved British flags on Friday night and sang the national anthem. “This is a fantastic day,” rejoiced a 53-year-old Londoner. “We are free, since 11 p.m. We have done it. “

Prime Minister Boris Johnson remained largely in the background during the festivities. He celebrated the Brexit in his official residence on Downing Street. He did, however, address the country in a video message. Johnson said that for many people, the Brexit is “an incredible moment full of hope,” which they thought would never come.

It is the first time in history that a member state has left the EU. With the departure of the British, the Union loses 66 million inhabitants and more than 5 percent of its total land mass. The United Kingdom will remain bound by EU legislation until the end of this year. In the meantime, the future relationship is being negotiated.

The British joined the European Economic Community, the precursor of the EU, in 1973. Two years later they were allowed to speak out in a referendum. Then a large majority of voters decided to remain a member. At a second referendum in 2016, 17.4 million voters voted for a departure from the EU, 16.1 million voters wanted to stay.

Thousands of Britons gathered at the London parliament to celebrate that.

Thousands of Britons gathered at the London parliament to celebrate that.

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