Home » today » World » United in the hole – Boyko signing autographs on the plastered brains of his entourage – 2024-09-25 04:44:23

United in the hole – Boyko signing autographs on the plastered brains of his entourage – 2024-09-25 04:44:23

/ world today news/ An ordinary Bulgarian hole – in the gypsy district of Lom Mladenovo – has captured the attention of the public these days.
Some arrow sank into it and then crushed the house in which ten poor gypsies lived – killing one of them and wounding nine others.
“My country, my Bulgaria”.
Nothing and no story – there are thousands like her.
But they prevent us from seeing something else: that Everything and Everyone has long been in one giant Hole.
But we are firmly connected to each other.
A nation of Siamese twins.

Boyko seemed to have only recently learned about the impassable Bulgarian traffic jams that pass for highways in our country, and he consoled us: “The Bulgarian saw that he already had money and started to travel!”
In one day, 80 thousand people left for Greece, therefore we are already rich.
However, how will you connect these people with the rest of the inhabitants of the Hole?
The pilgrims who went to the Greek taverns – and those from Mladenovo?
And are the 80,000 people in question not saved from the Hole – at least for a few days?

And Boyko said something else: “We had the most peace in the Ottoman Empire.”
Why does he say that – is he not preparing us for the capitulation to the refugee Hordes – with whom, by the way, no one will cope anymore?

The holiday of the Unification comes and they immediately put up the duty plate, they don’t even wipe the dust off it.
Plevneliev is also calling – our champion of “stupidity” / words of the late Prof. Ivan Slavov.
“The Bulgarian carried the ideals of the Union” – what to read more of this one.
Today’s Bulgarian wears everything else – but not this.
This man, who pretended to be president for five years, is leaving without ever understanding the hardships and fears of the Bulgarian – at least that.
Plevneliev is not alone in the false experience of the holiday.
However, he most clearly personifies the talentless flirting with important, even fateful things.
The holiday means nothing to most ordinary people.
What kind of Union do we celebrate when we are the most disunited nation, the most torn apart, the most vilified on every occasion.
And the timid discontents we express are rather a tumult that quickly subsides; our protests are stillborn, we have become apathetic even in experiencing the humiliating.

“Union makes Strength” – is there a falser inscription than the one that adorns Parliament?
What Union do you see there?
Atonement was finally eradicated during the Transition years. Everyone fends for himself – and those who rule, regardless of how they are painted, fend for themselves at the expense of everyone.
Everything is formal, reduced to the fake horizons of the situational patriot Plevneliev.

Akademik Kosev is far beyond the dimensions of Boyko’s few full-time oilers.
In an interview with “Epicenter” he said: “I support his (Boyko’s) attempts to balance between the great powers. Because we have no other way but to balance in this situation between Russia, Turkey and Europe… Boyko Borisov evolved and grew as a statesman, felt the problems in depth, sees them in perspective quite well and does everything possible to mitigate Bulgaria’s situation. I especially like that he took a sensible policy towards Turkey”/end of quote/.
Boyko really tries to understand the situation in the Hole – but what does he achieve?
This is what the academician should tell us, regardless of the fact that he gave his interview on a holiday.

What balance did we achieve, for example, with Russia – after it turned us into a punching bag because of the aggressive random Plevneliev?
The last powerful blow – as if from a steam hammer, we received literally these days: “South Stream” will not exist – and that’s it.
All the fuss about the gas hub remains an empty sound.
But our “balancers” did not get tired of walking around like horseshoes around “South Stream” – as if to convince the Russians that they were dealing with bewitched people.

Kosev should tell Boyko in absentia not to scare Europe with ultimatums – no one there will hear him, and if they do, we will completely trample it.
The Brussels bureaucrats behave like horse thieves with us – a month ago they allegedly generously agreed to build “South Stream”.
And now only Junker’s wet kiss will remain on Boyko’s forehead – and this will be the reward for our naivety.

And what is the “Balance with Turkey”?
This is the main question – and it has no answer.
If one day Erdogan deigns to tell us, it will be more embarrassing and humiliating than anything else.

We have never been successful at “balancing”.
It has always quickly degenerated into submission – and there, in its moist womb, we have felt most comfortable.
With the big players, we can’t play balancing.
And very helpfully we keep forgetting how they humiliate us. Oblivion strengthens us.

We’ve gotten particularly shameless lately.
One minister /Dyankov/ idiotically started to scare Russia because of “Belene”. Now, because of his impudence, we pay 160 thousand euros a day in interest.
We met with money, didn’t we? Let’s go to Greece.
Won’t this fictional brave Dyankov be held accountable? No, of course – because he is downright inhumanly arrogant: he was going to sue Russia, slap Russia on the ass, and then he went to work in a Russian bank. Is there a Hole bigger than ours?

Another minister allegedly went to bargain for South Stream, but he was not even allowed into the Kremlin.
And we were left running like a puppy after Russia – this supposedly “Immovable Mongol”, as Marx expressed it.
Where is now the sociologist Bachvarova, who is considered to be something like Lyudmila Zhivkova – let’s hear her, how will she comment on the Russian kick on the gas hub?
She was arguing that Boyko had stopped three Russian energy projects in order to praise him to the Americans and turn her nose up at him.
Now, who will like it?

And she is one of the post-communist bastards who play with Bulgaria.
You won’t like the Americans, no matter what you rant about.
The world is no longer as you remember it from the nomenclature of your fathers.
The same Rumyana B. was also a late dissident: she criticized Zhivkov in front of her father, who was a member of the Politburo!
Come on, Plevneliev should also give her a pumpkin medal for late dissent.
These random girls turned Boyko’s chivies – and as if it was final.

Boyko once went into voluntary isolation, he claimed that he did not allow friends near him.
However, he makes up for their lack with media servicemen who give him far more care than even the most selfish friend.
He must tie them up for a night with his dogs, and thus quench their foolish greed for caresses.
But he won’t.

Lyudmila Zhivkova, we will still swallow her somehow.
However, how to swallow a Nenchev – the “old fool”, for example.
Incredible things are constantly being heard from the Hole.
She is, apart from everything else, a dump for verbal garbage.
Nenchev says that General Radev also crawled out of his “Kremlin hole”.
However, this is the same Radev, who is a graduate of an American military college.
Again, the Old Fool says that Radev was more of a political person, not a military person – as if he himself, the collective farmer, is a standard for a general.
And Boyko repeats it obediently.
Is that why we hire foreign planes to protect us?
The hole is unique in this respect as well.

If they have an ounce of common sense, our rulers should stop talking about anything but the refugee problem.
But they don’t – and so they are dragged along by events like blind men.
And four Polish officers from “Frontex” hit a tram with their jeep in the center of Sofia and pushed it off the rails.
This is how they will help us to protect our borders and curb the refugees.

Some time ago, some late supporters had decided to stop with their bodies a jubilee celebration in the CDNA of Dobri Djurov, the Minister of Defense from the time of the Soviet Union.
And they, in fact, have to make a round-the-clock siege of the CDNA, while Nenchev is the Minister of War.
By the way, the “supporters” in question would now be clobbers devoted to the communist idea, if Djurov had not overthrown Zhivkov.
It was him, because the other two, who accused them of being coup d’états, were up to no good. One – Petar Mladenov – was a drunkard and a coward, the other – Lukanov – a diligent Russian listener; both had no influence either in the party or the state.
Lukanov in particular was a passenger because he had spent crazy money on the famous foreign trade companies, and at any moment Zhivkov would see his bill – and thus rub the Russians’ noses in it.
The strong man was Dzhurov – if he had defended Zhivkov with even a single word, the coup plotters would have been furious.
But now his anniversary could not be celebrated.
Such fools are the late “Democrats”.

I keep asking myself – do the people believe these fools?
Or everything is already indifferent to him – there, in the Hole.
And Boyko started signing autographs in the most unlikely places: in Varna, he signed on the plastered leg of a little boy – probably to get better faster.
Thus, his words will reach History the fastest.

/from “Weekend”, with abbreviations/

United in the hole – Boyko signing autographs on the plastered brains of his entourage
 – 2024-09-25 04:44:23Photo by Kevork Kevorkian.

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