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Unismuh’s Routine Study Discusses Isra Miraj with an Astronomical Approach

MAKASSAR,UPEKS.co.id— The Routine Study of the University of Muhammadiyah (Unismuh) Makassar discusses Isra Miraj with an Astronomy approach. The study presented resource persons from UIN Alauddin, Dr Alimuddin MAg. The recitation was held at the Sabussalam Al Khoory Mosque, Unismuh Makassar, Tuesday, March 9, 2022.

This study was attended by the Chancellor of Unismuh Prof. Dr. Ambo Asse, Deputy Chancellor I Dr. Abd Rakhim Nanda, Deputy Chancellor IV Drs KH Mawardi Pewangi, and the entire Unismuh Makassar academic community.

In his presentation, Dr. Alimuddin said that in the philosophy of science approach, religion is accepted starting with belief, and science is accepted beginning with doubt.

“Meanwhile, the Isra Miraj incident is a purely aqidah event, so the epistemological question of science does not apply,” said Alimuddin.

But humans as creatures of character, he continued, want to know many things. “Of course this can be studied with the intention of understanding the power of Allah swt and the wisdom of its wisdom in order to strengthen aqidah, faith and the perfection of worship,” he continued.

“Isra Miraj is a series of two journeys of the Prophet Muhammad SAW in one night. After performing Isra from the Grand Mosque in Mecca to the Aqsa Mosque with a buraq with a distance of approximately 2,113 km, the Prophet SAW ascended to heaven to Sidratulmuntaha, “he said.

Alimuddin continued, one of the important parts of the story of the events of Isra Miraj is the use of Buraq, a white creature whose steps are as far as the eye can see in performing Isra.

“Prophet Muhammad SAW then continued his journey into the seven heavens where he met seven prophets, namely Prophet Adam, Prophet Jesus, Prophet Yahya, Prophet Yusuf, Prophet Idris, Prophet Aaron, and Prophet Moses,” explained Alimuddin.

The Prophet Muhammad, he continued, is said to have continued his journey to Sidratulmuntaha with the peak receiving the order for the obligatory prayers.

According to Alimuddin, Isra Miraj according to science or astronomy is a journey out of the space-time dimension.

“Thus, Isra Miraj is not an ordinary journey, not a journey by spacecraft, and not a space journey between planets, stars or galaxies,” he continued.

Alimuddin continued, humans basically live in the space-time dimension. This human dimension is limited by space and limited by time, such as the existence of space, near and far, past-present-future, as well as short and long time.

“Therefore, it is natural that the companions of the Prophet Muhammad were surprised when they heard that the journey took less than a night from the Grand Mosque in Mecca to the Aqsa Mosque in Palestine. Because even traveling with the fastest horse takes a long time,” he said.

Alimuddin explained that one of the important lessons in this event, the Messenger of Allah and the buraq came out of the space-time dimension.

“The meeting in the sky illustrates that the Apostle is no longer bound by time. In this context, of course, it is no longer necessary to ask questions, and it is no longer relevant to ask where it is, because this is already out of the space-time dimension,” explained Alimuddin.

“Angel Gabriel, a jinn, it also includes beings outside the space-time dimension. Therefore, it is easy for angels to invite prophets to travel beyond space-time. It’s the same thing when the devil comes down to earth and can be anywhere and not die,” he explained.

The journey of Rasulullah in the seven layers of the sky, said Alimuddin, can also be observed scientifically. The seven heavens in layers in the event of Isra Miraj according to him means the number of celestial objects is infinite.

“Because there is no real layer of sky and atmosphere in the universe. The atmosphere is distinguished by degrees of temperature and others, but is not specifically layered. Meanwhile, the sky includes the satellite orbit area, the moon’s orbit, and also the solar system,” he explained.

Alimuddin quotes Prof. Thomas Jamaluddin that the infinite structure of the universe is called the seven heavens. The presumption of layers of the sky before can be formed when the science of astronomy and astrology has not been separated. In the old scientific concept of interpretation, the 7 heavens where the Prophet Muhammad SAW is associated with the moon and planets in the solar system.

Alimuddin continued, at that time each celestial object was interpreted as being located in a different layer of the sky.

“Rasulullah saw was then interpreted to meet Prophet Adam on the moon, Prophet Isa and Yahya on Mercury, and so on, according to some analogists, the meaning of the 7 heavens as the infinite sky also appears in the seven oceans in the Qur’an surat Luqman verse 27,” he said. Alimuddin. (Rasak)


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