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Unisimón graduates specialists in Critical Medicine and Intensive Care

The Barranquilla and Atlántico health network will count from this June 24 with 69 new professionals and specialists who will be at the service of citizens. The Universidad Simón Bolívar will hand them their undergraduate degrees, which will allow them to contribute their knowledge in this emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

As a way to contribute to the current situation, Unisimón has arranged to carry out an extraordinary degree virtual ceremony for this group of undergraduate and postgraduate students, among whom 11 Critical Medicine and Intensive Care specialists stand out.

“This ceremony is an incentive that motivates us to continue fulfilling our social function, because, despite the limitations and difficulties that affect the entire community, seeing our students fulfilling their dreams is a light of hope for the future. better ”, expressed the rector José Consuegra Bolívar.

The 11 intensivists become the first cohort of graduates in this Unisimon specialization. The postgraduate course is led by Dr. Abul Ariza and his graduates will be able to work in areas of intensive surgical and medical care for adults and adolescents, key at this time of pandemic.

The dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences of Unisimón, José Rafael Consuegra Machado, explained that the 69 titles will be delivered as follows: 52 for the Medicine program, 6 for students of the Pediatrics specialization and 11 for the Critical Medicine specialization and Intensive Care, the only one in Barranquilla.

“It fills us with satisfaction and pride to know that these students, made up of high-quality teachers, will provide a great service to the department that today requires so much medical and specialized personnel to alleviate this emergency,” said the dean.

High quality training

The direction of the specialization in Pediatrics is in charge of Carlos Tache Zambrano, Pediatrician and Neonatologist. This program has outstanding professors such as pediatrician Luis Javier Diago, infectious pediatrician Jorge Luis Matera and pulmonary pediatrician Iván Stand, among others.

Likewise, the Medicine program, which began its classes in 2006, is run by dermatologist Lesvia de León Ternera.

Taking into account the preventive isolation measures ordered by the National Government, the Universidad Simón Bolívar has arranged for the degree ceremony to take place virtually, thus complying with the biosecurity protocols provided.

The virtual ceremony of this June 24, scheduled to be broadcast live, at 4:00 in the afternoon, is the maximum moment in which the University dresses up when proclaiming a new promotion of students who make their training project a reality. .

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