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“Unique together”: events for the national day of reading in Darmstadt

(Iconic photo: Ben Mullins on Unsplash)

As part of this year’s national read-aloud day under the motto “Unique together”, the people of Darmstadt will once again support this initiative on 18 November to strengthen the culture of reading aloud. “Reading day is very important to me, because this event stimulates children’s imaginations and promotes their reading and language development,” says mayor Jochen Partsch.

Three reading events are open to the public: Mayor Jochen Partsch reads at 8.30 in the Literaturhaus Darmstadt to around 50 registered children of the Goethe School. The Bookmark bookstore offers little stories from 10am to 6pm on the hour – children aged 5-10 are cordially invited. The “Children’s Letter Soup” in the Kreuzkirche municipal library offers reading hours from 14:30 to 16:30.

In the context of non-public readings, city councilor Michael Kolmer reads in the Christian Morgenstern school. Municipal councilor Roland Desch reads at the Christoph Graupner school. In the Janusz-Korczak-Haus kindergarten, parents are organizing a reading campaign for children. Juliane Nakelski, who deals with familiar forms in children’s literature in her thesis, reads in the morning in the “Klausenburger Straße” kindergarten and in the afternoon in the “An der Nachtweide” kindergarten; Rebekka Friedrich from the Darmstadt city archive reads in the “Meißnerweg” kindergarten. City councilor Philipp Lehmann reads about the climate at the Ludwig Schwamb school. Daniela Wagner is reading again at the Elly Heuss Knapp School. Kai Schuber-Seel takes his children’s books to the “Kinderwelt” nursery school. Children are also read aloud in the “Pankratiusstraße” kindergarten and the Friedrich-Ebert school.

More information about the day of action can be found at www.vorlesetag.de.

(Text: PM Science City Darmstadt)

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