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UniPiaget opens Academic Year with eyes on the next decade – Jornal OPaís

The Jean Piaget University of Angola (UNiPiaget) officially opened this Friday, 20th, the Academic Year 2023/2024 with a serious commitment to developing its action, as established in the Institutional Development Plan – PDI to be established for the 2023 decade – 2033.

According to the institution’s Magnificent Rector, the PDI is the guide that will illuminate the institution’s entire process in the areas of teaching, research, organization and management, whose mission is to reach new heights.

“The PDI is the lighthouse that will guide us in the constant search for excellence and innovation. I am confident that with the dedication of all members of our community we will achieve our goals”, said Professor Samuel Victorino, the Rector of the institution.

On the same occasion, Jean Piaget’s number one, revealed that the house of knowledge he heads was recently subjected to evaluation in one of its faculties (Health Sciences) and the process allowed him to learn several and diverse lessons and experiences that will be extended to the rest faculties, with the aim of these also submitting to the dictates and regulations of the higher education subsector in Angola.

This year, the Jean Piaget University of Angola innovates, offering the student body of the Communication Sciences Course, which teaches Journalism and Marketing options, the first laboratory for radio practices. The new radio studio will soon launch a broadcast to be carried out by students, under the guidance of teachers with experience in the area and the intention is to evolve into the licensing of an academic radio station. The Prayer of Sapience, in the now open Academic Year, was given by Professor Doutor Matos Enoque, who spoke on the theme “the teacher of the 21st Century”.

Jean Piaget University of Angola (UniPiaget) currently has more than 9 thousand students enrolled, more than 400 teachers and 300 employees who provide 17 undergraduate courses and six master’s degrees.

Founded in 2000, the Jean Piaget University of Angola has already trained and launched thousands of graduates into the job market.

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