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Unintentionally Accurate? New Video Game Ad in Times Square Speaks to New Yorkers as City is Blanketed in Smoke from Wildfires

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Von: Romina Kunze

Was that planned? An advertisement in Times Square for a new video game could hardly be more appropriate at the moment.

New York City – The images from New York that are currently going around the world look surreal: the US metropolis is shrouded in thick clouds of smoke and there is a reddish tinge over the entire city. What seems like an end-of-the-time Hollywood blockbuster are side effects of the serious forest fires in neighboring Canada.

The air quality is now so critical that the New York authorities have urged residents not to leave their homes. But some New Yorkers don’t seem to have lost their sense of humor despite the seriousness of the situation. Above all, an unintentionally accurate and cynical video advertisement obviously speaks to the soul of the residents.

Reddit community practices gallows humor: “Welcome to New York, hell”

While countless pictures of popular attractions are circulating on social networks, over which an orange filter seems to have been placed, a recording on the platform takes care of it Reddit for conversation. It features an advertisement for a new video game in the famous Times Square. More than a hundred comments can already be found below (as of June 9th). The reason for the lively exchange is the advertising slogan: “Welcome to Hell, New York”, including the release date of the game, June 6, 2023.

Irreverent or a stroke of genius from the marketing department? Or just a strange coincidence? While some are of the opinion that the game developer of “Diablo IV” could not have had better timing for their advertising, others cannot resist a play on words. “It should rather be: Welcome to New York, hell,” writes one. Another rewrites the city’s well-known nickname from “The Big Apple” to “The Big Orange”.

One user comments: “I don’t like the Diabolo games but they hit the nail on the head with this ad campaign”. To understand: In the action role-playing game, players have to travel through different levels of the underworld and take on the demon Diablo. A user even wants to see a reference to the secret order of the Illuminati in the advertising. The checksum of the publication date confirms his suspicions: “6 + 6 + (2*3) = 666” – the number of the devil.

The background is serious: Extreme weather is increasing – thirteen times the area of ​​Saarland has already burned

It is not unusual for users to exchange information about everyday things on the platform – mostly in a humorous way. A less desirable honor was recently awarded to German cities by the community. And no matter how whimsically funny the advertisement may be, the background is serious.

It has been burning in eastern Canada for days after there were forest fires in the middle of the country around Alberta in early May. According to media reports, tens of thousands of people had to leave their homes. This year alone, 2,200 fires have destroyed more than 32,800 square kilometers of Canada’s wilderness, writes the HE DOES and provides a handy comparison: That corresponds to an area almost thirteen times that of Saarland.

For observers, this is a clear indication that climate change is getting worse. The other extreme only hit Northeast America at the beginning of the year: Heavy snowstorms claimed dozens of lives. Meanwhile, experts fear that 2024 could be the hottest year in world history. (rku)

2023-06-10 05:55:53
#York #defies #disaster #gallows #humor #Hell

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