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Unification of Italy, today the anniversary: ​​the Italians rediscover themselves patriotic

159 years ago the Unit of Italy was proclaimed. Since then our country has faced a thousand difficulties, world wars, the fascist regime. But the Italians, with pride and determination, have always been able to get up and go again. With your head held high. Thus begins the post of the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte dedicated to the anniversary of the proclamation of the unification of Italy, which this year falls in the middle of one of the most serious health emergencies that the country remembers. A delicate moment in which, as the Prime Minister explains, we are facing a very difficult new test. And where the sense of national community can help many Italians to build strength and find resources to move forward: not surprisingly, in these hours tricolor flags, also handcrafted, float on the balconies of the whole peninsula; many intone the hymn to gain strength and on social media bounce appeals to national unity to face the crisis. All the radios in the country, on Friday at 11, will play the Hymn of Mameli in unison and citizens will be invited to participate waving a Tricolor or another symbol of Italy: an initiative (here the details) which has never been implemented in nearly a hundred years of radio programs. Never before has Italy needed to be united, Conte points out, we are proudly waving our Italian flag. We proudly sing our national anthem. United, responsible, courageous.

The patriotism from the balcony may not like it, he wrote on the Courier service Aldo Cazzullo a few days ago, but also this the sign of a country that resists. Because in the emergency we find ourselves more connected to Italy than we love to recognize. These days, the colors of the flag adorn the balconies, but they are also a way through which institutions and companies try to launch signs of hope and cohesion To the country. In Milan, for example, both the 39 floor of Palazzo Lombardia and the highest pinnacle of the Unicredit Tower are illuminated in red, white and green. In Turin, the lighting of the monument dedicated to Vittorio Emanuele II to celebrate the anniversary of the Unit takes on a special meaning in these days.

And then Piazza del Duomo in Pistoia, the monumental complex of the Lantern of Genoa, the ancient theater of Taormina and many other places, from north to south. Also in the rest of the world, from Sarajevo to Jerusalem, monuments and symbolic buildings are tinged with our colors as a sign of solidarity.

The much reviled company during the quarantine they perform for many a very useful function to combat the sense of isolation. And even there, many are strengthened by alluding to an emoji, a photo or words to the spirit of the country. The flag – real or virtual – at the same time a tribute to those who are no longer there, a sign of gratitude for those who work, a symbol with which to encourage those who resist and a way to tell each other: we will do it, together.

March 17, 2020 (change March 17, 2020 | 2:57 pm)


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