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Unidentified body on Japanese beach is actually the key to solving the case of a Taiwanese “this”

Social Center / Reported by Zhou Menghan

The bone nail inserted in the operation for the wound then became the key for the unknown corpse to find its way home! An unnamed body was found on a beach in Nagasaki prefecture, Japan last year. The right thigh bone of the skeleton contained a medical material intramedullary bone nail and 4 screws. To find out the true identity of the remains, Japan and South Korea conducted DNA comparisons, and no match was found. It was only this year that the Japanese side asked the Ministry of Justice Institute of Forensic Medicine to conduct a comparison, and it turned out that the body turned out to be Taiwanese.

An unnamed corpse was found on the beach in Goto City, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan, of which only the vertebrae, hip bones, left and right femur remained, and missing the skull, upper limb bones, the tibia and fibula. (Photo/Supplied by Japanese Police)

On November 20, 2021, an unidentified dead body was found on the beach in Goto City, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan. The unidentified dead body only had the spine, hip bones, left and right femurs, etc. , and the skull, upper limb bones, tibia, and fibula were all missing. When the remains were found, there was an intramedullary bone nail and 4 screws which were used to repair the fracture in the right femur. It is amazing that the Japanese side found that the nails and screws of the bone on the body was only sold to Taiwan, China, India and South Korea, so most likely not Japanese.

Later, Japan compared the DNA of the unidentified corpse and found that it was not from their country. Therefore, he sent a letter to South Korea for comparison, but no match was found. The Criminal Police Department of the Police Administration conducted a confrontation , and found no match after the confrontation. To find out the true identity of the remains, the Bureau asked the Forensic Medicine Institute of the Ministry of Justice to attend the confrontation on 31 August 2022.

The Institute of Forensic Medicine then entered the DNA data of the unknown cadaver into the system and compared it with relatives looking for relatives. Unexpectedly, the unknown cadaver was found to have a first-degree blood relationship to three people among including ” Zhang XX” who were looking for relatives on file. The probability is more than 99.999%. In addition to the missing person’s characteristics provided by family members looking for relatives, there is indeed a fracture fixation medical material placed in the right thigh, and it corresponds to the bone characteristics provided by the Japanese side. It is confirmed that the unknown corpse was in July 2021. The man surnamed Zhang disappeared on the 27th.

The unnamed corpse on the Japanese beach is actually Taiwanese! The key to solving the case depends on

Early in the morning of July 27, 2021, Zhang Nan sailed out to sea alone to catch Xiaoguan. Unexpectedly, at noon that day, the boat was discovered by a fishing boat passing near Kongke Island, but there was no one to edge. (Schematic diagram, non-participant/photographed by Pexels)

In fact, this Zhang Nan was a fisherman from Xiaomen Village, Xiyu District, Penghu County. He went out to sea alone in the early morning of July 27, 2021, to capture small tubes. Unexpectedly, at noon that day, the boat was sighted by a fishing vessel passing near Kongke Island, but the Ma boat was nobody there. After being notified, the Penghu Sea Patrol immediately started a search, but no no trace of Zhang Nan has been found.

Now that the truth has come out, the family has finally let go of the large stone. But finding the missing person is only the family’s humblest request. It is the last wish of the deceased to return to their roots. With the assistance of the Criminal Police Department of the Interior Ministry and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs , the family members also traveled to Japan on the 14th of this month to handle matters related to claiming the remains.

Lastly, the Institute of Legal Medicine of the Ministry of Justice appeals if a family member is missing and has not returned, as well as reporting to the sub-office where the residence is located and listing it as a missing person, if the family member has not been found after a period of time, the family member can apply to the police station of each county or city or our Sampling Department Office, hoping that with the efforts of all units, the unidentified dead body can be lighted to go home. At the same time, I would like to thank the Japanese side for their assistance, so that this “unidentified corpse who left home” can go home smoothly.

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