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Unidas Podemos pushes for housing law to be passed – mallorca-services.es

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Unidas Podemos has urged the government’s president, Pedro Sánchez, to reach an agreement now to pass the housing bill in Congress, and has also urged him to set caps on variable-rate mortgages and the prices of basic commodities, which are experiencing an “unbearable” rise experience.

In this context, the spokesman for the Confederal Group, Pablo Echenique, has again accused the President of Mercadona, Juan Roig, of practicing, together with other entrepreneurs, a “ruthless capitalism” to which the executive must respond in order to prevent them from deciding on it what families can and cannot eat.

During Sánchez’s appearance, who reported on the October and December European Councils, the leader of the Confederal Group, Jaume Asens, also spoke, who, together with Echenique, responded to the criticism of the PP spokesman, Cuca Gamarra the law “solo ‘sí es sí” and refused to amend it. Both pointed out that the problem lies in the poor application of the law by a “minority of judges” who have issued some 250 sentence reductions since the law came into force, while the majority of judges say they are applying the law “well”.

He has promised the government will work to ensure it is properly applied and has called for a “little bit of shame” from the PP, a “corrupt” party that rules Castilla y León, towards those who “women want to blackmail”.

The spokesman for Unidas Podemos has sneered that the PP’s proposal is a “step backwards” as it represents a return to the previous law when, as he argued, the European Parliament is asking the rest of the countries to adopt the law, “solo ‘sí es si’”.

For his part, the chairman of En Comú Podem praised the president’s bold words on economic issues both in Brussels and at the economic forum in Davos, but criticized the fact that he had met with investment funds such as Blackstone, which had been meeting for more than a year resisted rent regulation. “The photos in politics count and are messages”, Asens has urged Sánchez to meet with groups such as the Tenants Association and the Platform of People Affected by Mortgage (PAH) or to follow the example of the Barcelona City Council, where the “ Geierfonds” will not be rolled out a red carpet, but they will be fined.

Asens then told Sánchez that citizens now need the “photo of the Housing Code Agreement” because it is time to pass it after months of deadlock and apply a rental ordinance that has worked where it has been applied.

The leader of the Confederal Group also praised the courage of the president in Catalonia, but warned that dejudaizing the conflict did not meet the prosecutor’s criteria for prosecuting pro-independence advocates such as former Catalan President Carles Puigdemont for the crime of serious public disturbance to request order, since this type of crime did not exist at the time of the Procés and contradicts the criteria of the dialogue table that he also suggested to convene.

Source: Agencies

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