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Unicredit customers, their accounts are at risk: it is a security alarm

Unicredit customers are currently in danger, current accounts are at risk of fraud. Security is not guaranteed and the alarm sounds loud to warn of the danger.


Scams, deceptions, uncertainties, security holes, banks are under constant threat from hacker attacks and the customers are at the expense. The latest alarm sounds loud for Unicredit customers who see their current accounts in danger. The worst nightmare, lose your savings overnight, hangs like a sword of Damocles over the heads of so many users who may be unaware of the threat. The bank has no faults but safety must be guaranteed and the external attacks stopped. If the measures adopted to date are no longer enough, a qualitative leap must be made in the defense of customers and their accounts.

The danger at the gates, Unicredit customers are trembling

For a few days, Unicredit customers who have activated the Home Banking system have started receiving an alarmist e-mail. Specifically, the content of the letter informs the account holder of the deactivation of all online services and credit cards. It is a hacker attack in all respects but those who are unable to identify false communications will believe what has been said and will proceed with the process that will allow scammers to get your hands on the victim’s account.

The fake email from the latest hacker attack

Experienced cybercriminals practice the phishing, sending a false e-mail that totally resembles normal bank communications but which has an alarming content. The last attack presents this text “Dear Unicredit customer, with this emali we inform you that we have deactivated all online operations with your credit card and the functions of your Unicredit account“. To solve the problem, the message continues, the customer will have to click on a link. This is a fraudulent address that allows hackers to “steal” the login credentials of the scammed person.

Aftermath? The current account will be emptied and the Unicredit customer will find himself running out of money.

Read also >>> Poste Italiane, phishing attempt warning: how to avoid falling into the trap

Unicredit customers, how to recognize phishing

To recognize a hacker attack you need to pay attention to communication details. A real e-mail sent by Unicredit always contains customer’s name and surname, the references of the branch and never asks to enter passwords, credentials, account numbers or cards. It is necessary to remember, then, of never click on links or files sent as attachments as well as never having to download any documents. Attention must then be paid to any typos, grammatical errors, which must immediately make the customer suspicious.

The first protection for one’s own safety, therefore, it must start from us and from the doubt that we must have whenever an alarmist communication arrives from the bank. One tip is contact the branch you trust and ask for clarification before panicking.

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