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Unhealthy Lifestyle Increases Men’s Risk of Prostate Cancer

Tribunnews Reporter, Fitri Wulandari

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – The emergence of disease prostate cancer In men, it is not only caused by age, gene changes and family history, but is also influenced by an unhealthy lifestyle.

Head of Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, dr. Agus Rizal Ardy Hariandy Hamid, Sp. U(K) Ph.D., says, prostate cancer It can indeed be experienced by a person due to factors such as age, race, family history, gene changes, and metabolic syndrome such as: diabetes, cholesterol and obesity.

But it should also be understood, the emergence of this cancer can also be triggered by a bad lifestyle.

Men who have a smoking habit, have an unhealthy diet and rarely exercise, are at high risk of developing this disease.

“Unhealthy lifestyles such as smoking, poor diet and lack of exercise can increase the risk of prostate cancer in men,” said dr. Agus Rizal, in a virtual media briefing entitled ‘Know Your Prostate: The Importance of Early Detection and Treatment of Prostate Cancer in Adults’, Monday (6/9/2021).

Also read: Early Detection of Prostate Cancer Can Increase Patient Life Expectancy

Meanwhile, the Head of the Urology Department, FKUI-RSCM, Dr. dr. Irfan Wahyudi, Sp.U (K) said that the majority of patients who visited health care facilities (fasyankes) such as hospitals, were diagnosed as having entered an advanced stage.

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This is because the early detection system related to cases is not yet optimal prostate cancer in Indonesia.

“One of the important stages in starting prostate cancer treatment is early detection and this must be done as soon as possible,” said Dr. Irfan.

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Whereas early detection of this disease is very necessary so that the life expectancy of patients is higher.

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