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Unfortunately, this courageous verdict comes too late for geriatric nurse Angela

I don’t know how you feel, dear readers: Do you still listen when the news reports about calls for an investigation into the Corona crisis, about vaccination victims, RKI files, etc.? No? Well, then welcome to the club! People in my circle of friends roll their eyes when I point out that something new has come to light again and I am outraged that many journalists are still simply looking the other way. “Let it go,” is usually the response – people want to finally return to normality. Sorry, but unfortunately I can’t do that.

I don’t want to forget

I cannot forget what I myself experienced during this time and I do not want to forget what so many affected people have told me, about whom I have written over the last three years: The doctor who took to the barricades for her four children because of the mask requirement and other Corona measures that she considered nonsensical and had to put up with a lot of hostility for it. The cardiologist who told me in February 2023 that of the 170 patients he cared for, 120 were post-vaccine patients, i.e. people in whom the disease had broken out shortly after the vaccination. In an interview at the time, he summed up: “I see destroyed lives and suicides.” Or Sarah, only 29 years old, who suffered a brain hemorrhage a few days after the first injection and then fought in vain for recognition of her vaccine damage. The list could go on.

Fate touches

But one of the stories that touched me the most was one that I didn’t write down. It is the fate of Angela, a woman in her mid-fifties from my circle of friends, who was emotionally destroyed by not being able to work in her beloved job as a geriatric nurse. She became mentally ill because she could no longer stand the bullying from her colleagues, the daily testing, the reprisals from the authorities and the terrible climate in society. She became seriously ill, in fact.

I don’t know if she is currently following what was just heard at the Osnabrück Administrative Court. The case was based on the RKI protocols and was about whether the mandatory vaccination in the health care system from November 2022 was legal or simply unconstitutional. Angela is no longer speaking, so I can’t ask her whether she didn’t cry with anger when the president of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), who was called to the witness stand, literally squirmed on certain questions and then had to admit that it was not just scientific facts that were decisive, but that there was political influence. And whether she didn’t cheer when even the president of the court let it be known that he felt personally deceived because he had supported state measures during the corona period in reliance on the proper work of the RKI & Co.

The fist clenched

I clenched my fist on their behalf when I heard that the Chamber had questioned the independence of the Robert Koch Institute from politics and now a renewed review of the then compulsory vaccination by the Federal Constitutional Court has been launched.

And you would not believe how shocked I was when I read an article by Burkhard Ewert, Editor-in-Chief for Politics & Society from NOZ Medien and Medienholding Nord, read about it. He wrote: “A similar rethinking is evident in the (defendant!) district of Osnabrück: His representative stated that decisions at the time were made in the belief that RKI & Co had worked freely and to the best of their knowledge. In the meantime, he has become ‘thoughtful’. He now regrets the professional ban currently being negotiated for a nurse – he would like to reverse it.”

In late summer 2024, this will unfortunately no longer help people like my friend. A return to their beloved retirement home is out of the question for health reasons. But hopefully it will be etched in the memory of the decision-makers so that something like that never happens again.

The entire communication from the Administrative Court of Osnabrück in the original can be found here.

The RKI Corona protocols published by journalist Aya Velázquez and completely unredacted are available in full on the website rki-transparenzbericht.de as well as here and can be downloaded there for free.

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