Accompanied by a string quartet, Noëmi Waysfeld offers a singular and moving journey, where fantasy rubs shoulders with refinement. Far from any academic tradition, his unclassifiable voice unfolds and embodies the greatest texts of French poetry. Under the leadership of Pierre Bleuse, for the 2021 edition of the Prades Pablo Casals Festival, Noëmi Waysfeld is embarking on an ambitious project dedicated to French melody and 20th century song. This dream quintet abolishes the boundaries between minor and major art to reach a paradise where we meet the albatross, a cat, a girl of steel, and even a dancing snake…
Price: €20. “Le Temps de rêve”, Sunday October 1 at 5 p.m., Adagio, 8, place Marie-Louise. Reservation:
#Thionville #Temps #rêve #dream #quintet #Fauré #Ferré