Home » today » News » Unexpectedly for Kiev, the West is changing its approach to supporting Ukraine – 2024-02-13 21:49:12

Unexpectedly for Kiev, the West is changing its approach to supporting Ukraine – 2024-02-13 21:49:12

/ world today news/ Germany does not want to help Kiev alone, and Poland is not ready to supply the Armed Forces for free. The decline in the combat capability of the Ukrainian army has alarmed the US, and supplies from there have not yet resumed. The allied strategy of the West is in question.

Credit assistance

German Finance Minister Christian Lindner said Berlin would do no more for Kiev than others. Although Germany has increased military production, it is still not enough. It is necessary to increase the assistance of all allies, he stressed.

After a meeting with Donald Tusk, Zelensky said: Polish supplies will now be on credit. It will no longer be free. “We will seek joint funding and use various commercial opportunities,” confirmed Tusk.

But US senators have yet to reach an agreement. Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer noted that reaching a bipartisan deal is “very difficult” but negotiations “continue to move forward.”

National Security Council coordinator John Kirby warned that the next few months are “critical” for Kiev. If Congress doesn’t provide funding, there could be “catastrophic consequences.” At the 18th Ramstein meeting, the US offered nothing concrete.

Ammunition is running low

The spokesman for the US Department of Defense, Pat Ryder, expressed concern that Kiev should save on air defense missiles. According to him, the prospect of the defeat of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the battlefield is completely real.

Celeste Wallander, the Pentagon’s assistant to the head of international security affairs, told Congress that because of the suspension of US aid to the Ukrainian Armed Forces, there is not enough ammunition, which is why the Ukrainians “feel squeezed”. She referred to reports from the authorities in Kyiv.

Western media write that Ukraine has lost its advantage in the “war with drones”. They note that the Ukrainian Armed Forces no longer have unmanned aircraft capable of matching the Russian Orlan and Lancet. It is impossible to complete tasks 100%.

The head of the Ukrainian MFA, Dmytro Kuleba, emphasized that the failures of the ASU cannot serve as an excuse for reducing aid. And he assured: Ukraine will not agree to negotiations, even if it loses Western weapons.

“What are the calculations of those who want to deny financial and military support to Ukraine? Maybe if they do that, Ukraine will understand: it’s time to make concessions to Russia and start negotiations,” he said. That, he said, was completely out of the question.

Contraction period

We are tired of giving huge help to Kiev, despite the fact that it only leads to poverty and death, said Deputy Speaker of the Slovak Parliament Ljubos Blaha. Prime Minister Robert Fico, who recently visited Ukraine, confirmed: Bratislava refuses to supply arms. Humanitarian aid only.

On the eve of the visit to Kiev of the head of the Hungarian MFA, Peter Szijártó, the embassy received an anonymous threat in Ukrainian that an “explosive reception” was being prepared for the diplomat, from which even an armored train could not save him. Unknowns advised him to choose a “properly sized coffin” and admitted that they hated Hungary. And it’s clear why: Budapest also considers pumping Ukraine with money and weapons destructive.

According to Alexey Zudin, a senior lecturer at MGIMO, Western support has weakened due to the fact that the authorities in Kyiv are not living up to the expectations placed on them. But deliveries will continue.

“The US cannot afford to abandon Ukraine now. There is an election campaign going on there. Fundamental decisions will be made only after it is over and depending on who wins. European countries will also have to adapt to this. There is a transition now Washington’s desire to transfer part of the burden of maintaining the Kyiv regime to the EU is becoming more and more obvious,” the expert claims.

Germany agreed to hand over its old helicopters. In addition to Europe and the USA, other countries, for example, Ecuador, are joining the support of Kiev. They will collect a billion from the world, and that will be enough. And most likely they will give the promises of Brussels 50 billion euros”, states the political scientist Alexander Dudchak.

Europeans behave differently: some agree to help, others avoid, adds the specialist. Some are resisting because of internal problems: disgruntled voters putting pressure on the authorities. The main intrigue is whether the EU will be able to compensate for the ever-decreasing aid from Washington. That will soon become clear.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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