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Unexpected weight gain factor named

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Sleep deprivation and excess sleep affect weight

The appearance of visceral fat is associated with sleep disorders, both with lack of sleep and vice versa.

American doctors have found that excess weight gain is associated not only with low physical activity and poor diet, but also with sleep patterns. This was reported by the newspaper Express.-

It is noted that both lack of sleep and excessive sleep are dangerous.

In a study, researchers found a clear link between five or less hours of sleep each night and a significant increase in visceral fat (fat around internal organs) in people younger than 40.

Also, eight or more hours of sleep are associated with increased visceral fat, which in turn increases the risk of metabolic syndrome, a set of conditions that contribute to heart disease.

For weight control, doctors recommend getting six to eight hours of sleep every night, maintaining regular, moderate-intensity physical activity (at least 30 minutes), and eating a balanced diet.

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