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Unexpected help from sex club

Since Thursday, environmental activists have blocked parts of central Oslo in protest that the wind turbines at Fosen have not been removed. Among other things, the activists blocked off the entire Ministry of Oil and Energy for over two days.

On Monday morning, the situation escalated, and several protesters chose to chain themselves outside the ministry, to prevent the police from removing them by force.

Then they needed chain, meters of it.

– We needed chains and padlocks quickly, activist Jon Anta tells Eira Oren Oslo newspaperwho first mentioned the case.

The solution to the lack of links was to come from a somewhat unexpected source. It was a queer BDSM club that came to the rescue of the Fosen activists.

Strong accusations: – Should be ashamed

Chain and padlocks

SLM (Scandinavian Leather Men) describes itself as a fetish and BDSM club for gay men, and is located in the center of Oslo. There, the demonstrators were able to collect meters of chain and several padlocks at short notice.

Oren says that the donation was well received, but that the chains were removed by the police on Tuesday, together with the demonstrators.

– They got good use for the links this morning. Now the police have removed the activists outside the Ministry of Finance, and cut the links we got from SLM, says Oren.

Dagbladet has not succeeded in getting in touch with SLM.

CHAIN ​​DONATION: These chains are donated from the sex club Scandinavian Leather Men (SLM).  Photo: John T. Pedersen / Dagbladet

CHAIN ​​DONATION: These chains are donated from the sex club Scandinavian Leather Men (SLM). Photo: John T. Pedersen / Dagbladet
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– Overwhelming with help

Sexklubben are far from the only ones who have shown their support for the activists’ demonstration.

Central board member of Nature and Youth and activist Mari Qviller says that they have received contributions from several groups.

– We have received such overwhelming help from organizations and associations. Among other things, we have received lavvore, firewood and chains, she tells the newspaper.

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