Home » Entertainment » Unesco makes Holy Week in Guatemala official as World Heritage (+ Photos)

Unesco makes Holy Week in Guatemala official as World Heritage (+ Photos)

Giammattei received the diploma that accredits the spiritual and cultural diversity of the country in an act in the capital’s Plaza de la Constitución with the presence of brotherhoods, brotherhoods, families, makers of ephemeral art culture (carpets), musicians, the people in general and representatives of countries that supported their registration before the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco).

A carpet made for the occasion, the passage of the anda of the consecrated image of the Nazarene of Miracles and the penance of the crawlers, recreated this tradition of the country of eternal spring, and now of the world, as a symbol of faith, love and traditions. unique that are preserved from generation to generation.

In his words, Giammattei recalled that Guatemala has many things to teach the world due to its more than three thousand years of cultural richness that we are now committed to preserving, he assured.

This is the gift that we saw come true on November 30, 2022 in Rabat, Morocco, and Unesco gives us today, he said, while thanking the representatives of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage present here and for their vote. supported the granting of patrimonial status.

It is also the demonstration that united we can get ahead, to show the world that Guatemala is amazing and unstoppable, said Giammattei.

For their part, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Mario Búcaro, and of Culture and Sports, Felipe Aguilar, presented the joint work that led “to inscribe this day in the golden pages of our memories.”

“Together we made history because we are aware of our tradition and our faith, which is anchored in the hearts of Guatemalans, in the heart of the four living cultures and in the 22 departments of the country,” said Búcaro.

Holy Week fills us with pride, gives us identity, a sense of belonging and forms the expression of our essence, Aguilar recognized among the many particularities that endorsed the proposal at the initiative of the Government.

Likewise, Julio Carranza, on behalf of the Director General of Unesco, Audrey Azoulay, described this day as solemn, joyful, united, coexistent and fraternity and urged the Government to systematically place its wealth on the map of universal culture.

On behalf of the Catholic community, the nuncio Francisco Montecillo, described Holy Week as a celebration that includes mourning and solemnity, but also overflowing joy, symbolized by flowers, the colors of clothing, carpets, and joint work. of the brotherhoods without distinction of social classes.


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