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Unemployment rate in Allier falls: observations from Pôle Emploi’s annual survey

The observation of Pôle Emploi in its major annual survey: in the Allier, the demand for employment is falling. To varying degrees depending on the basin, with a more marked reduction in that of Moulins. In the last quarter of 2022, a figure of 6.2% unemployment rate was noted in the sector of the prefectural city. Comparable to the situation in the region (6.1%). In the Vichy and Montluçon basins, the unemployment rate has also fallen, but remains higher at 7.5% and 8.5% respectively.

As for the average rate on the Allier, it went from 7.7% to 7.4% in one year. This observation can be linked to the fact that “despite difficult recruitments, they are still done”, according to Anne Plisson, territorial director delegated Allier of Pôle Emploi.

The most comfortable workers, the most independent in job searches, and the most qualified easily find a job.

The industry is recruiting in Moulins

Except that in Allier, the weight of infrabac training is greater than in the region, as is the rate of social minima, seniors, and people far from employment.

Companies have to deal with this reality, for Anne Plisson. She is, “one of the elements that explain the difficulties of recruitment. That and the fact that all sectors of activity are recruiting quite strongly, and at the same”.

+ 14% job offers

In one year, Pôle Emploi has received +14% job offers. On the declarations prior to hiring last year, a large part concerned public administration for contract workers and also the hotel and catering industry. The health and social sector is also very represented in the offers for the Allier, as in the other “ageing” departments: paramedical professions, home helpers, carers, caregivers. 40% of offers in 2022 were for permanent contracts, and 51% for long-term positions (more than six months).

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The top 10 job offers

In the top 10 of job offers, we find the hotel and catering industry (rather in the Vichyssois and Moulinois basin, due to the spa and the PAL), many offers in construction and social health. But also in assembly in the leather industry (rather Vichy), and the transport and logistics trades (rather Moulins). On the Montluçon side, “there are a few from all sectors, but this year with a great need for building trades: plumbers, heating engineers, unskilled workers in structural work, finishing work, and public works”. In Vichy, there is also a particular need for unskilled workers in the food industry.

The industry recruits in various sectors (weapons, metallurgy, etc.) throughout the department, even if it does not necessarily appear in the top 10.

It should be noted that 27% of Allier companies surveyed by Pôle Emploi plan to recruit in 2023. This figure has fallen slightly compared to last year in Vichy and especially in Montluçon, but has increased significantly in Moulins.

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Top 10 sectors that are recruiting in the Allier
Montluçon Basin : Versatile kitchen helpers and employees; Building maintenance workers; unskilled construction workers; plumber heating engineers; unskilled construction finishing workers; office secretary (including medical secretary); roofers; special educators; home help, household help, work, family help; skilled workers in public works, concrete and quarrying.
Vichy Basin : Unskilled textile and leather workers; home help, household help, work, family help; unskilled workers in the agro-food industries; Helpers and versatile employees in the kitchen; waiters in cafes, restaurants and clerks; caregivers; vehicle mechanics and electronics; roofers; hotel employees; cooks.
Moulins Basin : Versatile kitchen helpers and employees; caregivers; home help, household help, work, family help; artists and art teachers (music, dance, entertainment); unskilled packing workers and handlers; self-service employees; reception, information and switchboard operators; building cleaners; domestic workers and cleaning staff.

Recruit “differently”

In the Pôle Emploi survey, business leaders believe that it will be difficult to recruit.
However, Pôle emploi is trying more and more to work differently, to find solutions to a lack of adequacy between the needs of companies and the professions sought by job seekers.

For example, by introducing trades to people registered for other positions, by working on the “transferability” of skills. To do this, companies intervene within the agencies, on the occasion of “sectoral workshops”, where potentials are detected in the professions that the applicants do not master. It works in particular in industry, logistics transport, hotels and restaurants, personal services, nursing homes, etc.

Also, more and more “professional immersions in companies” are set up. “They are very interesting for overcoming false representations, and discovering professions in a concrete way.” The “facilitated immersion” application, which has been in strong development for two years, makes it easy to connect job seekers and companies for this type of contract.

I encourage companies to register, because it’s a good way to attract talent and recruit differently.

And “today, adds Anne Plisson, recruitment is done a lot on motivational aspects, soft skills, the ability to integrate into a team, etc.” During the immersion, the person keeps his rights but is not paid by the company.

Pôle emploi also has a strong strike force on training linked to the needs of the job market.

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In addition, the structure tries to relocate as close as possible to all territories, with one-off events called “place of employment and training”. The next ones will take place on June 10 in Saint-Pourçain-sur-Sioule, and on June 29 in Bourbon-l’Archambault. On the program, information on upcoming training and recruitment close to home. Other “slightly offbeat” events are also to come in the Allier, such as “reverse job dating”, where it will be up to recruiters to make applicants want to join them.

Go to pole-emploi.fr for all upcoming employment and training events in the “employment events” tab, with job dating, sector information, simulation workshops and other recruitment events.

Emeric Enaud
[email protected]

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