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Unemployment Plagues Business Leaders across All Sectors

From trade to catering and personal services… All sectors are affected by unemployment, which affected more than 25,000 business leaders this year.

They are 25,296 concerned. This year, business leaders who have lost their jobs are as numerous as before the pandemic. According to a study by the Entrepreneurs’ Employment Observatory carried out by the Altares firm and the GSC association (Social Guarantee for Business Leaders) and relayed by The Parisianthe number of unemployed business leaders rose by 36.6% over one year.

Admittedly, these data are to be put into perspective in relation to the thousands of employees who lost their jobs this year. But it is no less dramatic. In fact, less than 1% have a fallback solution. “Less than 1% of business leaders have implemented a plan B”, notes Anthony Streicher, president of the GSC association. And to add: “That is to say that they have unemployment insurance or a woolen stocking. For almost all of them, or 140 bosses a day, they find themselves with nothing to live on. “

A plague named “4D”

What to worry about since the problem has existed for decades. In entrepreneurial jargon, the situation is even summed up by a simple and sad “4D”: Failure, Depression, Divorce, Death (which means death in English, to be understood as suicide).

Regarding the sectors, all are concerned, no one is spared. “There are many companies in the catering, personal services, such as hairdressers, but also retail trade. Companies that are directly linked to the consumer”, explains Thierry Million, director of studies at Altares .

published on August 28 at 09:15, Inès Cussac, 6Medias

2023-08-28 08:25:59
#Unemployment #business #leaders #sectors #hit #hard

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