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Unemployment in the Netherlands is rising exceptionally fast NOW

Unemployment in the Netherlands rose exceptionally quickly in June. In May, 3.6 percent of the labor force was unemployed, in June this percentage rose to 4.3 percent and that rapid increase is according to the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) unknown.

“In November 2008, at the beginning of the financial crisis, the unemployment rate was also 3.6 percent,” CBS explains Thursday. “Then it took seven months to reach 4.3 percent.” This increase has now been reached from month to month.

In June, 74,000 unemployed were added, bringing the total number of people looking for a job to 404,000. Young people are still hit hardest by rising unemployment. In the 15 to 25 age group, the unemployment rate rose to 10.7 percent.

The number of people out of work rose from 2.9 to 3.7 percent among 25 to 45-year-olds, and from 2.2 to 2.6 percent among the over-45s.

According to Statistics Netherlands, the rapid increase from May to June can be explained by the sharp decline in the labor force in the first months of the corona crisis. “Of those who lost their jobs, relatively few became unemployed, because most did not look for work and / or were not available for it.”

If you are not looking for work or are available, you will not be included in the labor force.

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