Home » today » News » Unemployment drops by 1,450 people in Alicante in September due to the ‘rehiring’ in industry and construction | Radio Alicante | Present

Unemployment drops by 1,450 people in Alicante in September due to the ‘rehiring’ in industry and construction | Radio Alicante | Present

The province of Alicante follows the state trend and, unlike what is usually the month of September, the number of people listed on the strike list decreased by 1,451, according to data made public this Monday by the Sepe.

The summer campaign in the province is extended and this is reflected in the few people who join the unemployment list last month, only 27, when September is a month in which traditionally hiring in hospitality and jobs related to The tourism. Unemployment also rises in the group without previous employment (152). The pandemic has made September’s behavior different from previous September. However, the behavior of the rest of the sectors is the usual one. Unemployment fell this month especially in industry (-724), followed by construction (-600) and agriculture (-306).

Membership in the general Social Security scheme has risen last month by 2,570 contributors.

Currently the number of registered unemployed in the Alicante province amounts to 172,422 people, a decrease of 0.83% in relative terms. Alicante follows in the wake of the country, where unemployment has fallen by 76,113 people and of the Valencina Community, with 6,673 fewer unemployed.

The ratings

The majority unions welcome the good data with ‘caution’ while waiting to see the evolution of the labor market until the end of the year to be able to speak of “change” and despite the fact that this was the first drop in unemployment in a month of September since 2003.

The good figure is a consequence, on the one hand, of a certain post-pandemic recovery, although they remember that there are still 3,072 deaths that affect 7,794 workers. Also to the business “picaresque” to lay off in August to rehire again “in the sectors in which unemployment falls in September, that is: industry and construction.

The analysis has been made by Yaissel Sánchez, secretary of the UGT in l’Alacatí and José María Ruiz Olmos, head of employment in Comisiones Obreras in l’Alacantí and les Marines, in Hoy por Hoy Alicante (you can listen to the full interview by clicking on the photo) , who ask the administration and companies for responsibility to achieve a “real and quality” recovery in labor matters, as well as the increase in the Minimum Wage and the repeal of the labor reform.

The UGT and Commissions also recall that temporary employment reaches almost 90% of September’s hiring, with contracts even lasting one week, and that women continue to be the most affected by unemployment.

Also “prudent” is the assessment of the Valencian Business Confederation. The employer’s association emphasizes that the data show that the evolution in the Community’s labor market differs from the trajectory that the national registers have been showing since the decrease in the number of unemployed in September barely compensates for the rise registered in the previous month.

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