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Unemployment crisis for middle-aged IT Manager in Hong Kong

The middle-aged man groaned loudly in the article, saying that he was originally an IT Manager (information technology manager) with a monthly income of 60,000 yuan, but now he has been unemployed for 4 months. During his unemployment period, he sent 60 CV resumes, “There is an interview But unfortunately, nothing happened in the end. Every day he logged on to job search websites, sent out CVs, and waited for calls.” He couldn’t help but describe this period of time as “an endless repetition of hell, and he lost his way as a person.”

However, the author also mentioned in the article that although he knew how to handle different information technology projects, after checking the job search requirements, he found that there were many Programming Skills that he was not familiar with or even understood, which was very different from his understanding. , he also feels that he is getting older, “Many netizens have said that when you are 50 years old, it is sometimes difficult to pick up new skills.”

The poster pointed out that he is the breadwinner of his family, his wife is a full-time housewife, and his children are still 5 or 6 years away from being born, so now they have no choice but to “rest on their laurels.” He said that he had thought about doing business, but unfortunately the current market situation in Hong Kong was too bad. He also tried stock trading. “I made money at first, but in the end I lost a lot of money in the stock market. Maybe I don’t have enough skills, or maybe I have the means.” I can’t afford to play stocks.” As for blue-collar jobs, such as changing careers as security guards, convenience store clerks, or waiters, he said frankly, “I have tried to look in the mirror and ask myself, but at this stage I really don’t have the courage. ,Sorry!”

The post aroused heated discussions on the Internet, and netizens had divergent opinions. Many people believed that age was the biggest obstacle. They bluntly said that it would be difficult for the poster to stay in the IT industry. “At 50 years old, it is very difficult to return to IT! I should consider changing careers to sell labor.” “”IT people who are 40 years old will still consider hiring, but it is difficult for 50-year-olds”, “The IT industry is changing with each passing day, and if you want to catch up with the times, you must constantly improve yourself, otherwise you will soon be overtaken by those young people.”

Some netizens also advised the landlord to put aside his previous status and try any job. Since he has a family to bear, he should try any job. At least the family no longer has to worry about living in a mountain of food. “Will you try to get out of IT?” Do you want to work in other industries?”, “Pick up the bus, there seem to be 30,000 mosquitoes, hold on first”, “If you don’t have anything to do, just stay there as a security guard! Please do it, you can land as soon as possible.”

source:Hong Kong discussion forum

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2024-01-27 11:15:04
#50yearold #Hong #Kong #man #originally #monthly #salary #suddenly #lost #job #suffered #landslideSent #CVs #response #Hell #Hell

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