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UNEF denounces the living conditions at the university

A student from the IUT of Angers committed suicide on Sunday February 27 in her room at the Crous. The UNEF union warns about the living and study conditions of students.

A student from the IUT of Angers was found dead in her room at the Crous (Regional Center for University and School Works), in Maine-et-Loire, Sunday February 27. The investigation opened with the Angers prosecutor’s office concluded that it was a suicide.

A dramatic event which affected the other students, with whom the Crous set up a psychological unit. He recalls the existence of the telephone, anonymous and free listening and psychological support platform which has existed for two years: 0800730568.

“A minute of silence will be observed on the day of his burial by the promotions concerned”, indicates the University of Angers.

The student union Unef (UNational Union of Students of France) reacted in a press release on Monday March 7 to offer his condolences to the relatives of the victim and to emphasize that this is not an isolated event but a “ordeal which is reminiscent of the suicide epidemic of winter 2020”since the beginning of the pandemic.

The Unef denounces the living and study conditions under the mandate of Emmanuel Macron: “implementation of selection at the University, increase in registration fees for non-EU students, reduction in APL, reduction in budgets allocated to ESR, etc. A liberal policy that impacts the well- to be students and which leaves one perplexed as to the future of our public training, CROUS and health services”.

According to UNEF, despite the construction of 400 CROUS housing units and the hiring of a psychologist at the University of Angers, the latter would “the most under-endowed university in relation to its number of students”.

There would be “2 months delay to be able to make an appointment with a psychologist at the University Health Service, the same time for an appointment with a social worker, on average 1000 students start the academic year without accommodation in Angers “.

The union is asking for a budget extension from the Ministry of Higher Education to allow “a real follow-up of students in distress in Angers and on the delocalized sites of the UA”.

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