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UNDP presents report on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in Mexico

Mexico City, Sep 3 (EFE).- The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Mexico presented on Tuesday the report ‘COVID-19: Moving towards recovery, resilience and sustainability in Mexico’, in which it offers seven recommendations for the sustainable recovery of the country by 2040 after the pandemic.

“The study analyses how different allocation profiles lead to very different progress in achieving goals,” said Lorenzo Jiménez de Luis, UNDP Resident Representative in Mexico.

The director also explained that one budget profile can lead to closing gaps, while another, under the same conditions, “can lead to a decline or stagnation in development indicators.”

Four years after the declaration of the health emergency, the report, according to the UNDP, analyzes the “multidimensional impacts” that the pandemic had and also generates different scenarios to recover pre-pandemic development levels from a comprehensive perspective.

Almudena Fernández, UNDP Chief Economist for Latin America and the Caribbean, said that the report brings together two key priorities: supporting governments quickly and nimbly in responding to crises, and generating real-time evidence to support decision-making.

The paper used historical official statistics for 16 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and more consolidated data to identify the long-term effects of the pandemic on multiple indicators.

The results

According to the data, UNDP identified that prior to the pandemic, the trend of 71.28% of the SDG indicators was positive, but after the pandemic, 70% of the SDGs were negatively affected.

He also revealed that 29.9% of the indicators that had previously had a positive trend maintained their trend, 31.3% saw their positive trend decrease and 38.8% became negative.

“On the other hand, of the 27 indicators that showed a negative trend before the pandemic, 16 (60%) worsened,” the report emphasized.

Seven recommendations

Given this situation, UNDP also presented seven recommendations, which invite us to “rethink substantive aspects, rearrange budget priorities, strengthen institutions and promote instruments for accountability.”

Other recommendations include: promoting the incorporation of evidence into public affairs, by including more feasible goals and implementing more effective and efficient interventions; rethinking the profile of budget allocations that emerged after the pandemic because it was not adequate to close gaps in critical indicators.

She also said that particular attention should be paid to SDG 16, peace and justice, which faces systemic challenges; improving the quality of expenditure monitoring, through transparency tools, digitalization, citizen participation and institutional strengthening, and making gender equality a cross-cutting element of budgetary programs.

Finally, investments in SDG 8 on economic growth must be accompanied by adequate financing of interventions related to innovation and infrastructure, in addition to analyzing disproportionate impacts related to gender, ethnic identity, age or occupational and socioeconomic conditions of people and adapting the design of policies and programs accordingly to reduce inequalities.

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