Adriana: immigrantsconsidered as a threat tonational security orpublic, will be a priority fordeportacón.factor: while the governmentvoices of protest were heardtoday in several cities of thepís, after the most recent ofrejection of the reform planmigratory.the demonstrations arrivedthey laughed to demand theDemocrats who comply with theirpromise and offer the wayto legalization. they explain uswill happen.romy: with wings of 8,000,000 ofundocumented immigrantsdemanding a reformmigratory in the united states,with for the second time in a month,Senate legal counselrefused to include the proposalto give legal residence toundocumented part of thereconciliation processbudgetary.a representative ensures thatdespite the refusal, they haveother proposals that will be presentedthe next ones.they trusted that the reformwill go into the budget.>> the spokeswoman assured me thatin the reconciliation projecta version ofthe reform, it could be theparol, which gave him the right towork those documented bycould be a temporary reliefat least for them and theirfamilies there is also anotherproposal that is that thevice president really ignorethe decision of the parliamentarian.that actually lead to a votewhere are needed then 60votes in the senate to adoptthe decision of theparliamentary, something that does notIt exists on the Republican side.romy: the reform planmigratory gave a status ofstanding on the floor to wings of800,000 migrants intri-state, about 463,200 innew york, 286,400 in newjersey and 73,700 in conneticutsome immigrants demand areform together will give lidad tothem.>> we went out to remember thatwe want our dignity, nowe want things, we wantsolution now.romy: the artists will continueexerting or pressing the leader ofthe majority in the senate chuckSchumer for approval of theimmigration reform in the Senate.>> immigrants fromfeet have to be recognizedas such. The next weekwe will continue the fight.romy: at the beginning of this year,the lower house approved projectsthe citizenship to the dreamers andfarm workers, butno proposal has passed inthe a new attempt in thenext year, the Democratsthey will seek to enter the reformmigratory reconciliationbudgetary, where notthey needed a super mayoof 60 votes to approve it.recognizing that doing it asa legislacón wasit made it difficult to wing with a senateof divided 50% for each