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Undocumented Immigrants in Massachusetts Can Now Apply for Driver’s Licenses

Starting July 1, undocumented immigrants living in Massachusetts will be able to apply for driver’s licenses. This new opportunity has been welcomed by many immigrants who have been driving without a legal license. Raul Averdano, a 74-year-old undocumented Colombian immigrant, expressed relief at the prospect of finally being able to do things legally. He is now getting help booking an online appointment with the Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) at La Collaborativa in Chelsea.

Mauricio Lopera, a 30-year-old Colombian immigrant and construction worker, also emphasized the importance of having a driver’s license. He needs to be able to travel between construction sites for his livelihood and wants to reduce the risk of being caught driving illegally and facing deportation.

The RMV is anticipating an increase of 1,000 customers per day at its locations in the first six months. To meet this influx, the RMV has extended its hours and staff. They are also in the process of hiring more employees and have already provided driver manuals in 15 languages. The RMV is committed to having interpreters available to assist applicants, who will need to provide proof of identification, birth, and Massachusetts residency.

Advocates who have been pushing for this law for 20 years believe that it will improve safety on the roads. They argue that in other states where undocumented immigrants can obtain driver’s licenses, the number of hit-and-run accidents has decreased. Chrystel Murrieta Ruiz, a co-chair with Driving Families Forward, stated that people feel safer knowing they have a driver’s license that won’t put them at risk and that they don’t want to put others at risk either.

Undocumented immigrants like Lopera believe that this new law is long
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What opportunities will be available to undocumented immigrants living in Massachusetts starting July 1?

Starting July 1, undocumented immigrants living in Massachusetts will have the opportunity to apply for driver’s licenses, a new development that has been met with enthusiasm by many immigrants who have previously driven without a legal license. One such individual is Raul Averdano, a 74-year-old undocumented immigrant from Colombia, who expressed relief at the chance to finally do things legally. He is currently seeking assistance from La Collaborativa in Chelsea to book an online appointment with the Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV).

Mauricio Lopera, a 30-year-old Colombian immigrant and construction worker, also stressed the significance of possessing a driver’s license. Being able to travel between construction sites is crucial for his livelihood, and having a license would not only mitigate the risk of driving illegally but also reduce the possibility of facing deportation.

In anticipation of an influx of 1,000 customers per day at its locations within the first six months, the RMV has extended its hours and staffing. Additionally, they are actively recruiting more employees and have already made driver manuals available in fifteen languages. The RMV is committed to providing interpreters to assist applicants, who must present proof of identification, birth, and Massachusetts residency.

Advocates who have advocated for this law for two decades believe that it will enhance road safety. They argue that states where undocumented immigrants can obtain driver’s licenses have seen a decrease in hit-and-run accidents. Chrystel Murrieta Ruiz, a co-chair with Driving Families Forward, emphasized that people feel safer when they possess a driver’s license that won’t endanger them, and they do not want to put others at risk either.

Undocumented immigrants like Lopera view this new law as long overdue.

1 thought on “Undocumented Immigrants in Massachusetts Can Now Apply for Driver’s Licenses”

  1. This is a significant step towards ensuring road safety and inclusivity in Massachusetts. Allowing undocumented immigrants to apply for driver’s licenses not only empowers them to navigate their daily lives more freely, but also promotes better integration within the communities they reside in.


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