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Undocumented immigrants contributed $692M in NC taxes

Raleigh.- Undocumented immigrants living in North Carolina have become a significant economic force for the state.

This is according to a new in-depth national study by the Institute for Fiscal and Economic Policy.

The study quantified how much undocumented immigrants pay in taxes, both nationally and in each state.

In North Carolina, undocumented immigrants contributed $692.2 million in state taxes and local in 2022.

“A figure that would increase to $843.6 million if these taxpayers were granted work authorization,” according to the study.

“Everyone pays taxes. Our neighbors who come to North Carolina from other countries pay more as a percentage of their income than the top 1 percent,” said Alexandra Sirota, executive director of the NC Budget & Tax Center.

They pay more

One study finding is that in North Carolina and 39 other states, undocumented immigrants pay higher state and local tax rates than the richest 1 percent of households living within their borders.

“This study is the most comprehensive analysis of how much undocumented immigrants pay in taxes. And what it shows is that they pay quite a bit, around $100 billion a year,” said Marco Guzmán, senior policy analyst at ITEP and co-author of the study.

“The bottom line is that regardless of our immigration status, we all contribute by paying our taxes.”

Sales Tax

The study also notes that in North Carolina, 53% of tax revenue comes from sales and excise taxes.

24 percent comes from property taxes and 22 percent comes from personal or business income taxes.

The study also highlights that undocumented immigrants make huge contributions to state welfare programs without being able to qualify or access services themselves.

“We deserve a state where all communities can thrive,” said Iliana Santillán, executive director of El Pueblo.

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