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Understanding Vitamin B12 Deficiency: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Vitamin B12 deficiency is a condition that occurs when a sufficient amount of vitamin B12 is not consumed in the diet, or when it is not properly absorbed into the body. Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause physical and psychological symptoms. Vitamin B12 deficiency is a serious health condition, as it occurs when a person does not take a sufficient amount of this vitamin or when he has difficulty absorbing it properly within the body. This leads to many serious symptoms and complications if not treated.

Vitamin B12 deficiency occurs when a person does not consume a sufficient amount of this important vitamin in his daily diet or when he has a problem absorbing this vitamin properly within the body. There are several possible causes of vitamin B12 deficiency, including:

– Follow a completely vegetarian diet for long periods, as the main sources of B12 are meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products.

– A physical disease that affects B12 absorption, such as inflammatory bowel disease or puffy intestinal membrane syndrome.

– Surgical removal of the stomach, which affects the production of endogenous transport factor needed for B12 absorption.

– Aging, as the body becomes less able to absorb B12 with age.

– Use of some medications for long periods, such as acid suppressants and antibiotics. Therefore, it is important to diagnose the cause of the deficiency and develop an appropriate treatment plan for each case to avoid complications in the long term.

Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency

Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause physical and psychological symptoms, which develop slowly and get worse over time.

Some people may not have any symptoms despite the low level of vitamin B12 in their bodies.

People with vitamin B12 deficiency can experience neurological symptoms and/or damage without suffering from anemia (lack of red cells in the blood).

Some possible symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency include vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, mouth or tongue ulcers, and feeling depressed.

2023-09-24 13:49:01

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