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Understanding Visceral Fat: Reasons Why You Can’t Lose Belly Fat

Written by Mervat Rashad Sunday, July 16, 2023 06:00 PM

visceral fat It is a health problem that many do not know, and it is found deep in the abdomen and wraps around your vital organs, which can lead to serious problems such as stroke, some types of cancer and type 2 diabetes, anyone can suffer from visceral fat and it is caused by some things such as poor diet Not getting enough exercise, stress, and not getting enough sleep. Here are the reasons why you don’t lose belly fat, according to what was published by “eatthis.”

Stop crunches

Visceral fat is difficult to target with exercise. Fat is located deep in the abdominal cavity and surrounds the organs, so it cannot be defined and reduced with exercise. Studies have shown that you can help trim visceral fat or prevent its growth through both aerobic activity (such as brisk walking) and strength training (such as brisk walking). Exercising with weights will flatten the abdomen but not reach the visceral fat. Exercise can also help prevent the fat from returning.

Eliminate refined carbohydrates from your diet

Refined carbohydrates have many negative side effects on our health and visceral fat is just one of them. White bread has undergone a refining process where the fiber and beneficial nutrients have undergone, are removed and possibly replaced with artificial versions. These refined carbohydrates lead to rapid sugar spikes and inflammation, both of which hinder weight loss. And harmful to health.

It is best to use whole wheat bread or other whole grain bread that has not been refined.

Certain medical conditions increase the risk of developing visceral fat

Certain medical conditions can also increase the risk of carrying too much visceral fat and may make it more difficult for you to lose it. For example, if you have insulin resistance, this can lead to weight gain and make it difficult to lose visceral fat. Other conditions that include Carrying too much visceral fat can increase your risk of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and hypothyroidism.


Another reason someone might have difficulty losing visceral fat is genetics. Just as some people tend to carry more body fat in general, others may be more likely to store visceral fat. This is due to things like genes and hormones, which can They affect how the body stores and uses fat. Therefore, if you have a family history of obesity or other conditions related to visceral fat, you will likely have a hard time losing it.


Stress can cause visceral fat, and when you are under stress, you produce a hormone meant to protect your body from shock, which leads to an increase in visceral fat. Cortisol affects the distribution of fat by causing fat to be stored centrally around the organs. Everyone experiences stress, but it may Some people secrete more cortisol than others, and the cortisol secreted every time they experience the same stressor may be associated with increased visceral fat.

2023-07-16 15:00:00

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