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Understanding the Moonbow Phenomenon: Refraction of Moonlight through Water Droplets

photo/2023/04/29/bobhorseman_moonbow_phenomenon_a-20230429114148.jpg?resize=360%2C240&ssl=1" alt="Apa itu fenomena moonbow? Kita ketahui fenomena moonbow yang terbentuk dari pembiasan cahaya bulan, yuk!"/>

What is the moonbow phenomenon? We know the moonbow phenomenon which is formed from the refraction of moonlight, come on! (AI Generated Image)

Bobo.idSurely friends know the rainbow as a beautiful natural phenomenon.

Rainbow, or rainbow in English, formed when sunlight is reflected, reflected, and broken down by water droplets in the atmosphere.

When sunlight enters the water droplets, they are refracted and broken down into the various colors that are seen as a rainbow.

The colors in a rainbow are always ordered from outside to inside, starting from red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, to purple.

Rainbows are usually seen in the sky after rain or when there is strong sunlight shining through water droplets in still moist air.

You know friends, apart from being caused by the refraction of sunlight, rainbows can also be caused by moonlight which is called moonbow.

Moonbowor lunar rainbow, is an optical phenomenon that occurs when moonlight is reflected, reflected, and scattered by water droplets in the air.

Phenomenon moonbow similar to a rainbow, but formed by moonlight instead of sunlight.

Moonbow Formation Process

The process of forming a moonbow is similar to a rainbow, but with a lower light intensity.

Moonlight enters the water droplets in the air and undergoes refraction and deflection, so that it breaks down into the colors seen in the rainbow.

Also Read: Always Appears After Rain, Why is the Rainbow Always Curved?

2023-04-30 07:00:00
#Moonbow #Night #Rainbow #Formed #Moonlight

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