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Understanding the Causes of High Cholesterol in Women: Pregnancy, Menopause, and PCOS – CDC Insights and Prevention Tips


The cause of high cholesterol in women is not always the same as in men. The reason is, women have several factors that cause high cholesterol that men do not have.

Quoted from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) page, gender has a very significant role in the risk of high cholesterol. In general, men have a higher risk of high cholesterol than women. But when women enter a certain age or phase, they become more susceptible to experiencing high cholesterol.

Because at certain phases in her life, a number of factors will appear that can cause cholesterol levels in a woman’s body to increase rapidly. In fact, some of these factors are biological so they cannot be avoided. What are the causes of high cholesterol in women?

Causes of High Cholesterol in Women

1. Pregnancy

One of the causes of high cholesterol in women is pregnancy. This is related to the increasing nutritional requirements that women need during pregnancy.

Cholesterol itself is one of the substances needed to support fetal growth and development. Apart from that, cholesterol also plays a role in helping the formation of breast milk, the hormones estrogen and progesterone to maintain a healthy pregnancy.

To meet these needs, cholesterol levels in the body will increase. This not only makes good cholesterol (high-density protein/HDL) increase, but also bad cholesterol (low-density protein/LDL) and triglycerides. Plus, high cholesterol often doesn’t show any special symptoms. Therefore, pregnant women should regularly consult a doctor to ensure cholesterol levels remain within the normal limits required by the body.

2. Menopause

Menopause is a phase that every woman experiences when she reaches the age of 45-55 years. Menopause is a condition when the menstrual cycle ends naturally.

But on the other hand, menopause is also one of the causes of high cholesterol in women. Because when experiencing menopause, the hormone estrogen in a woman’s body will decrease. One of the functions of this hormone is to regulate cholesterol levels in the body. That is the reason why women entering the menopause phase are more susceptible to experiencing high cholesterol.

3. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Polycystic ovary syndrome, also known by the abbreviation PCOS, is a condition where egg cells (ovum) in women cannot develop normally. This is usually caused by a hormonal imbalance in the body. This disease is often characterized by symptoms in the form of irregular menstruation, as well as the appearance of cysts on the ovaries.

So, what is the relationship between PCOS and high cholesterol? A study revealed that 70 percent of women who experience PCOS experience increased cholesterol or triglyceride levels. This is because PCOS can affect all lipid or fat levels in the body.

As a result, PCOS can increase LDL cholesterol and triglycerides while reducing HDL cholesterol levels in the body. Therefore, women who experience PCOS must often check the fat and cholesterol levels in their bodies.

Apart from the factors above, of course women also need to pay attention to other causes of high cholesterol such as stress, the habit of consuming fatty and sweet foods, alcoholic drinks, cigarettes, and so on.

Watch the Video “Tips from Doctors for Cholesterol Sufferers to Safely Fast”


2023-12-12 08:30:14
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