Polish pensioners are preparing for changes in the “fourteenth pension” payouts in 2025. Some seniors are projected to receive less than they did in 2024, while others will see an increase in their payments. This fluctuation stems from statutory regulations governing the benefit and the annual valorisation of pensions, a process designed to adjust pension amounts to reflect changes in the cost of living. The minimum pension after spring valorisation will amount to exactly 1 thousand. 878 PLN and 91 gross gross.
The “fourteenth pension” is an additional benefit intended to provide extra financial support to seniors. However, a fixed income threshold is creating disparities in the amounts individuals receive. Unlike the “thirteenth pension,” which provides the same gross amount for all seniors, the “fourteenth pension” operates on a different model, leading to both winners and losers in the upcoming year.
How the Fourteenth Pension Works
According to current regulations, the “fourteenth pension” is allocated to those whose pension dose not exceed 2,000 PLN 900 gross. If a pensioner’s income surpasses this limit, the additional benefit is reduced on a zloty-for-zloty basis.The minimum “fourteenth pension” that can be paid out is PLN 50 gross. This sliding scale approach means that those with incomes slightly above the threshold receive a reduced benefit, while those substantially above it receive almost nothing.
The Problematic Income limit
The core issue lies in the fact that the 2,000 PLN 900 threshold is permanently fixed in the Act. As annual valorisation increases pension amounts, more pensioners are either exceeding this threshold or receiving the supplement in a reduced amount. This situation has led to concerns about fairness and equity in the distribution of the “fourteenth pension.” The fixed nature of the threshold fails to account for the rising cost of living and the increasing number of pensioners whose incomes, while still modest, exceed the set limit.
The annual valorisation rate for pensions this year is 5.5 percent, effective from March. both the “thirteenth” and “fourteenth” pensions are tied to the minimum pension amount, which is influenced by this valorisation. this connection means that any increase in the minimum pension amount will have a ripple effect on the “fourteenth pension,” impacting the number of beneficiaries and the amounts they receive.
Who Will Receive More?
Calculations indicate that pensioners whose benefits, after valorisation, remain below the 2,000 PLN 900 gross threshold can anticipate a higher “fourteenth pension” compared to the previous year. For example, if a current gross pension is PLN 1,700 (PLN 1547 net), the “fourteenth pension” in 2024 was PLN 1502, PLN 67 net.After valorisation, the retirement pension will be 1632.08. The fourteen W2025 will amount to PLN 1568.81.
Another example illustrates this further: a current pension of PLN 2,800 gross (PLN 2512 net) resulted in a “fourteenth pension” of PLN 1406.67 net in 2024. After valorisation,the retirement pension will amount to PLN 2633.66. In 2025, fourteen will amount to PLN 1441, 81.
Who Will Receive Less?
Conversely, pensioners whose income exceeds the statutory threshold will receive a reduced “fourteenth pension” in 2025. As a notable example,if a current pension is PLN 3,400 gross (PLN 2986 net),the “fourteenth pension” in 2024 was PLN 1011.95 net. After valorisation the pension on hand will amount to PLN 3133.73. In 2025, fourteen on hand W2025 is 941,64 PLN.
Similarly, a current pension of PLN 4,000 gross (PLN 3,460 net) resulted in a “fourteenth pension” of PLN 537.95 net in 2024. After valorisation, the retirement pension will amount to PLN 3,633.80. The fourteen on hand this year will amount to PLN 441, 53.
Is This Fair?
Experts have voiced concerns about the fairness of the current system. As noted, experts have long emphasized that the threshold in fourteen is not fair. – only the height is taken into account pensions the pension not the real property situation of the senior.
You can imagine the situation that someone has a low pension, but has additional income, e.g. from renting several apartments. And such a fourteen person will get, although his financial situation does not have to be bad at all.
Tomasz lasocki, an expert on social insurance at the Warsaw University of Technology
Will the Government Introduce Changes?
As of now, there are no announced plans to modify the regulations governing the “fourteenth pension.” However, the existing regulations do provide the government with some flexibility to adjust the “fourteenth pension” amount in a given year. This flexibility could perhaps be used to mitigate some of the inequities in the system, but it remains to be seen whether the government will choose to exercise this option.
The upcoming “fourteenth pension” payouts in the second half of the year will be a crucial indicator of the government’s approach to supporting its senior citizens, and whether adjustments will be made to address the perceived inequities in the current system. The decisions made in the coming months will have a critically important impact on the financial well-being of Polish pensioners.