![Life insurance](https://i0.wp.com/www.ideal-investisseur.fr/link/linxea/linxea_970%C3%97250px.gif?w=900&ssl=1)
Other contracts that might interest you:
The tax framework is common to all life insurance.
In case of withdrawal before 8 years:
For payments on life insurance made since September 27, 2017, earnings are taxed at the single flat-rate levy (PFU) of 12.8%, or, optionally, at income tax and social security contributions of 17.20 %.
In case of withdrawal after 8 years:
After application of the annual reduction (4,600 euros/9,200 euros), a pro rata is calculated: gains generated by payments of up to 150,000 euros will be able to benefit from the reduced rate of 7.5%. The surplus will be taxed at 12.8%. The IR option is always possible. Social security contributions (17.2%), not withheld over time, are retained upon withdrawal.
In case of death :
For premiums paid before 70 years : exemption of the spouse or civil partner; and up to 152,500 euros for each other beneficiary (20% tax from 152,501 euros to 852,500 euros; 31.25% tax beyond that).
Premiums paid after 70 years : exemption for the spouse or civil partner. For other beneficiaries, the winnings are not taxed and the premiums follow the inheritance tax tax scale after a common deduction of 30,500 euros (on contracts opened since November 20, 1991).
Warning : Past performance does not guarantee future performance. If you wish to subscribe, contact MMA or a professional advisor, and check all the characteristics of the contract, as well as the suitability for your profile (this information is not exhaustive, is for informational purposes only, and should not be considered as advice).
This sheet does not claim to include all of the characteristics, guarantees, limits and costs of the contract, especially as these may be modified over time. This sheet only has an information value to help the Internet user make an initial selection of products. For further information, refer to the Key Information Document and/or the life insurance provider’s leaflet.
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2023-10-20 22:45:58
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