Jakarta –
A woman was diagnosed with a stroke at the age of 20. He did not realize that his recent complaints were signs of a stroke.
This condition is experienced by a woman in Chesterfield, England, named Esmae Hodgetts. He did not think that at a young age and having a healthy body, he could experience this disease.
“That (stroke) can happen to young people,” said Esmae, quoted by the Daily Mail, Tuesday (1/8/2023).
“I’m just out of luck,” he continued.
Complaining Symptoms
Initially, Esmae often felt throbbing headaches like migraines. He also complained of a sharp pain in his neck and shoulders.
Until the end of 2022, right on New Year’s Eve, Esmae again felt a very intense headache. The condition made it difficult for him to walk until he fainted.
“It was so intense that it felt like a stabbing pain in my head and radiating up my neck,” Esmea said.
Diagnosed with a Stroke
Until the next day, Esmae went to the emergency room to check on her condition. He did not think that the complaints of headaches, neck pain and shoulder pain that had bothered him for several days were symptoms of a stroke.
The doctor also did not realize that his patient had had a stroke which had been almost two days. This is due to the lack of obvious visible symptoms.
“Even the stroke team was shocked when the MRI came back revealing I had a stroke,” he said.
So far, Esmae has not experienced any serious side effects after her stroke. His eyesight, body coordination, and speech showed no influence from his condition.
NEXT: Possible Causes and Current Conditions
2023-08-01 22:30:18
#Facts #Women #Strokes #Age #Thought #Migraines #Neck #Pain