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Understanding Spondylolisthesis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Cho Bo-young, CEO of Yonsei Barun Hospital (Medical Doctor, Neurosurgery Specialist)

When it comes to back pain, most people think of lumbar disc herniation. However, there are diseases that often appear according to age and sex, one of which is ‘spondylolisthesis’.

People are concerned because it is interpreted as meaning that the vertebrae are pushed out or that the back has collapsed, but it is a more common disease than you might think. People today who spend much of the day sitting or standing are going to put a lot of pressure on their backs. In particular, the spine is a part that is a column of the body, and if pain persists, it not only leads to pain but also to a decline in the quality of life.

To put it simply, spondylolisthesis can be considered as the vertebrae moving ‘forward’ or ‘away’. There are three main causes of spondylolisthesis: the first is the degeneration of the disc and the joints due to aging, the second is caused by complications and side effects after spinal surgery simple, and the third – congenital growth in the spinal segments poorly performed. In addition, there are exceptions when the vertebrae are weakened due to malignant tumors, etc. Among them, the most common cause is aging of the spine.

When diagnosed with spondylolisthesis, many people confuse it with spondylolysis. In the case of spondylolysis, it refers to a congenital condition where the link that connects the narrow isthmus of the spine is broken.

If you undergo regular monitoring and management for spondylolysis, the spine will no longer be pushed out and surgery can be avoided. However, since the back of the spine is weaker than others, aging is likely to happen faster than normal people. If there is a lack of management, incorrect posture, and stimulation of the spine, the spine can move forward, leading to spondylolisthesis. If symptoms worsen, procedures or surgery will eventually be required, so regular management is required, just like spondylolisthesis.

Many people wonder if surgery is the only treatment for spondylolisthesis, in which the spine is pushed out. But this is wrong. Spondylolisthesis is divided into cases that require surgery and cases that require surgery.

First, if the symptoms are mild and the previous movement is not severe, a ligament strengthening injection treatment is performed. After solving the patient’s stenosis through an injection procedure, regular exercise is prescribed. This is a way to recover by slowing down the aging process of the spine by improving the strength that the lower back can support through weight loss and exercises back muscle strengthening.

On the other hand, those who absolutely need surgery for spondylolisthesis are those whose symptoms have already progressed to a great extent. In particular, if spondylolisthesis is accompanied by spinal instability, surgery is required. People whose stenosis is so severe that they cannot walk for even 5 to 10 minutes regardless of treatment, or whose legs are paralyzed or whose legs are thin and lose strength, require surgical treatment called spinal fusion as soon as possible.

The most important thing in all diseases of the spine is the timing of the treatment. A thorough examination and accurate diagnosis should be made by an experienced medical worker to determine what the patient’s current symptoms are and how far the previous spinal dislocation has progressed. In addition, to prevent it, you must maintain proper posture, correct your lifestyle habits, and make efforts to keep your spine healthy by stretching, walking and exercise regularly.

For middle-aged women, bone mineral density decreases due to menopause and female hormones, and there is a risk of osteoporosis, so including nutrients such as calcium and vitamin D can help prevent it. put on spondylolisthesis.

The most important thing is to visit the hospital immediately and get treatment when you have symptoms. Ignoring and overlooking the pain could make the symptoms worse, so if you feel symptoms in the early stages, visit the hospital immediately and talk to a specialist.


2024-05-14 01:31:00

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