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Understanding Shingles and Its Impact on Health: Insights from Chairman Jeon Gwang-sik

Chairman Jeon Gwang-sik’s column, Centenarian Health Research Society, Shingles

[한국부동산자산관리신문] Reporter Junsu Kim = Shingles occurs when our body’s immunity weakens. There are countless microorganisms within the human body, some of which are beneficial to the human body and some of which are harmful.

Since the discovery of antibiotics, mankind has thought that it had conquered bacteria, but new powerful enemies called various viruses have appeared and are continuing the difficult fight.

Viruses are involved in pain, numbness, and various diseases in the human body. Modern medicine has not yet been able to accurately determine the type or number of diseases caused by viruses.

The symptoms of a virus may change depending on the condition of the infected person, such as resistance, age, etc. Depending on the type of virus, even the same virus can cause diseases with different properties.

As we experienced COVID-19, we watched the virus continuously mutate. Infection caused by the herpes simplex virus is a very common infectious disease.

The causative virus is divided into two types: type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2). These viruses can cause primary infections by causing various types of infections in the skin and mucous membranes.

After primary infection, the virus enters nerve cells in the ganglia and remains dormant. Recurrent infection occurs when a dormant virus is reactivated and then travels along nerve fibers, causing lesions on the skin. Of course, recurrent infections can also occur due to infection with a new virus.

In particular, herpes simplex virus infection that occurs around the genital area is considered a sexually transmitted disease, and like other sexually transmitted diseases, symptoms can appear in various clinical forms.

Herpes simplex infection is a disease that causes emotional and mental problems as well as physical disabilities and has a significantly high disease rate. Although the herpes simplex virus can survive temporarily in towels, toilets, or water, no cases of infection by the virus present in these items have yet been reported.

As such, spread from person to person does not occur through casual contact. It occurs through direct contact with secretions containing the virus (saliva, reproductive secretions, and other secretions from active lesions) from an infected person.

Varicella-zoster virus causes chickenpox in children in the first case of infection and shingles in recurrent cases. This small organism, which is 1/100,000th the size of a human cell, has strong reproductive and vitality and does not disappear from the human body regardless of any drug or antiviral treatment.

The shingles virus will only part with our lives when we reach the end of our lives. Then, “If there are no blisters anywhere that appear as a symptom of shingles, how can you determine that pain without a cause is due to the shingles virus?” There may be people who ask this question.

To put it simply, shingles symptoms appear on the surface of the skin along with blisters and cause extreme pain. So, where is the activity in the body when it is not displayed on the skin surface?

I would like you to think about where in your body you are active. Most people, including doctors, probably don’t think about this because they haven’t thought about it.

However, it is clear that it exists somewhere in our bodies. It is located in the muscles, body organs, and nerves in the bones, becomes activated, and stimulates the nerves, causing pain. When it comes out of the skin and becomes visible to our eyes, anyone will know that it is the Virogo shingles virus.

When the shingles virus is concentrated, inflammatory substances are always present in that part of the body. There, the shingles virus is activated and stimulates the nerves, causing pain.

When infected with the shingles virus, the pain is severe, with many complaining of pain worse than the pain experienced when delivering a baby or the pain experienced by terminally ill cancer patients. You may remember the old people saying that their walls get stiff as they get older and that their walls move around all over their bodies.

Elderly people say that the phenomenon of pain suddenly occurring and disappearing immediately is due to the ‘dam’ moving around. So, is there a way to immediately suppress this parasitic shingles virus in our bodies so that it cannot function in the human body?

The answer lies in our body’s amazing natural healing power. The author created a self-healing healing program called Underwater Doctor, which cures diseases by applying the ‘resonance phenomenon’, a natural phenomenon in which the same energy as the cause of pain and disease in the human body meets and resonates and cancels out.

[칼럼자료제공] Baekse Health Research Society, President Jeon Gwang-sik

Inquiry: 010-4704-2304

Jeon Gwang-sik, President Jeon Gwang-sik, Centenarian Health Research Society, Aquatic Doctor, Self-Healing Healing Program, 100-year Health Research Society

2023-10-29 14:28:45

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