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Understanding Rust: The Problematic Frame of Honda Motorcycles Explained

CNN Indonesia

Tuesday, 22 Aug 2023 19:04 WIB

Illustration. The frame for a Honda motorbike has a problem after a rusty viral. (BETWEEN PHOTOS/Muhammad Adimaja)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Motorcycle frame case Honda problematic because rusty viral on social media in recent times. See an explanation of what rust is.

On a number of social media platforms, video recordings of the case of the eSAF frame or enhanced Smart Architecture Frame of a rusty Honda scooter are circulating, some of which even broke when the owner used it.

This incident was not just once, but several Honda customers have become victims.

A number of scooter models whose frames are rusty and broken include Genio, Vario 160, and Beat. Astra Honda Motor (AHM) started using the eSAF frame in 2019, the first product to use it was the Genio.

What exactly is rust?

Anne Marie Helmenstine, a chemist at the University of Tennessee, says rust is the common name for iron oxide.

The most familiar form of rust is the reddish coating that forms on iron and steel (Fe2O3), but rust also comes in other colors including yellow, brown, orange, and even green.

“Different colors reflect the different chemical compositions of rust,” said Anne, quoting ThougtCoTuesday (22/8).

Rust specifically refers to the oxide on iron or ferrous alloys, such as steel. Oxidation of other metals has other names. For example, there is tarnish on silver and verdigris on copper.

How is the rusting process?

Although rust is considered to be the result of an oxidation reaction, it should be noted that not all iron oxide is rust. Rust forms when oxygen reacts with iron, but simply combining iron and oxygen is not enough.

“Although about 21 percent of air consists of oxygen, 1 rust does not occur in dry air. Rust occurs in moist air and in water. Rust requires three chemicals to form: iron, oxygen and water,” he says.

iron + water + oxygen → hydrated iron(III) oxide

This is an example of electrochemical reactions and corrosion. Two different electrochemical reactions occur:

Anodic dissolution or oxidation of iron that goes into an aqueous solution (water) occurs:

2Fe → 2Fe2+ + 4e-

Cathodic reduction of oxygen dissolved in water also occurs:

O2 + 2H2O + 4e- → 4OH-

Ferrous ions and hydroxide ions react to form ferrous hydroxide:

2Fe2+ + 4OH- → 2Fe(OH)2

Iron oxide reacts with oxygen to produce red rust, Fe2O3.H2O

Due to the nature of electrochemical reactions, electrolytes dissolved in water aid the reactions. Rust occurs more quickly in salt water than pure water, for example.

Keep in mind that oxygen gas (O2) is not the only source of oxygen in air or water. Carbon dioxide (CO2) also contains oxygen. Carbon dioxide and water react to form weak carbonic acid. Carbonic acid is a better electrolyte than pure water.

“When acid attacks iron, water will break down into hydrogen and oxygen,” explains Anne.

Free oxygen and dissolved iron form iron oxide, releasing electrons, which can flow to other parts of the metal. Once rust begins to form, it will continue to corrode the metal.

How to prevent rust

According to him, “rust is brittle, brittle, progressive, and weakens iron and steel.”

To protect iron and its alloys from rusting, it is necessary to separate their surfaces from air and water. Coatings can be applied to iron.

Stainless steel contains chromium, which forms oxides, just as iron forms rust. The difference is that chromium oxide does not flake off, thus forming a protective layer on steel.


2023-08-22 12:04:00
#Expert #Explains #Rust #Hondas #Viral #eSAF #Frame

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