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Understanding Rickets: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Rickets is a metabolic condition found in children during the growth period, which is characterized by the appearance of a bone mineralization disorder, accompanied by the exaggerated accumulation of osteoid tissue and the alteration of muscle masses. According to the specialists, these pathological changes often lead to a decrease in bone resistance to the mechanical activities carried out day by day, causing the appearance of bone deformations and the profound alteration of phospho-calcium homeostasis.

Usually, the disease is much more common among premature babies, with the maximum incidence of the disease being in children between the ages of three and 18 months. Studies have shown, however, that the disease is common among people with hyperpigmented skin.

The causative factor for the appearance of rickets is the chronic deficiency of vitamin D. At the same time, certain favorable factors can be described, which, through their presence, can cause an imbalance between the intake of vitamin D and the needs of the body. These enabling factors can be divided into two categories: endogenous and exogenous factors. Great attention! The disease begins insidiously, and the clinical manifestations present at the onset are not specific to the disease: alteration of the sleep-wake rhythm; irritability; pallor; decrease in muscle tone with delay in performing various movements; hyperhidrosis (especially at the level of the cephalic extremity); splenomegaly. There are also rarer cases in which the disease begins suddenly with the appearance of convulsions secondary to the onset of hypocalcemia and laryngeal spasm. Clinical manifestations of osseous and extraosseous nature may also appear.

2023-11-01 13:10:12
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