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Understanding Rabies: Transmission, Symptoms, and Treatment

RABIES is a disease zoonosis. That is, diseases that are transmitted from animals to humans. This infection is transmitted by animals infected with rabies.

The main animals that cause the spread of rabies are dogs, bats, cats and monkeys.

In Indonesia, rabies or what is known as “mad dog disease” is still a problem that threatens public health.

Rabies is an acute infectious disease. Attacks the central nervous system caused by Lyssavirus.

“Rabies virus can be transmitted through saliva, bites, or scratches and licks on injured skin by animals infected with rabies. Animals that are at high risk of transmitting rabies are generally wild animals or pets that have not received the rabies vaccine,” said the Head of Animal Health and Veterinary Public Health at the Probolinggo District Agriculture Office, drh. Nikolas Nuryulianto.

Niko – his nickname – added that the incubation period for the rabies virus ranges from 4-12 weeks.

After the incubation period, people infected with the rabies virus will experience flu-like symptoms, fever, muscle weakness, tingling or burning feeling in the bite area, pain or headache, fever, nausea, and vomiting.

In addition, feeling anxious, confused or threatened without any cause, hyperactivity, hallucinations, insomnia or sleep disturbances, difficulty swallowing when eating or drinking, and excessive saliva production.

“Symptoms of rabies in humans develop gradually. It starts with flu-like initial symptoms. Then, develop into severe neurological disorders. Even though it can be fatal, patients still have a chance to recover as long as they are treated immediately after being exposed to the rabies virus,” said Nikolas.

When infected with the rabies virus, either through saliva, bites or licks, said Niko, immediate treatment is necessary.

Begin immediately washing each bite and scratch for 15 minutes with soapy water, povidone iodine or detergent to minimize the number of virus particles.

Then the infected person is immediately taken to the hospital to wash the wound again and get the Anti-Rabies Vaccine (VAR) and Anti-Rabies Serum (SAR).

“Handling the wound as soon as possible, can effectively prevent symptoms and death,” he explained.

Niko added, rabies is secreted in saliva and is most often transmitted through bites from infected animals. It could also, through an open wound and exposed to infected animal saliva.

2023-07-08 04:30:00
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