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Understanding PrEP and PEP: Preventing HIV Infection and Its Uses

What are PrEP and PEP?

Both types of drugs, PrEP and PEP, are the same drugs to prevent HIV infection. Both types of drugs are effective only if you are not already infected with HIV. If they are different in that

PrEP is Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, which means it is used to prevent HIV infection before we are at risk. PEP is Post-Exposure Prophylaxis, which is the use of medication to prevent infection after we are at no more risk. 72 hours

“Infected with HIV” is not equal to “infected with AIDS,” but it is life-threatening if you don’t know how to prevent it.

The first in Thailand! HIV patient infected with smallpox dies!

Who is PrEP and PEP suitable for?

drug PrEP

Suitable for eating before taking a risk or for those who already know that there is a chance of taking a risk. People who have sex with people who are HIV positive. People who share injection needles with others. People who have multi-partner sex or have many sexual partners. Group of people who have homosexual sex Groups that frequently use PEP and there is a risk of infection for a period of 3 months

drug PEP

Suitable for people who have been at risk for no more than 72 hours, people who have sex with people they don’t know. A group of people who have sex without wearing condoms. A group of people who have sex while wearing a condom but the condom breaks. A group of people who share syringes with others. Medical personnel who are stabbed by used needles

How to use PrEP correctly?

PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) consists of 2 types of medicine in 1 pill (Fix Dose Communication). It can be used in 2 forms: Daily PrEP, taken every day in a row, and On Demand PrEP, taken when you know and plan in advance that There will be risks. which will be eaten in a short period of time But in Thailand we prefer to use Daily PrEP because at present the use of On Demand PrEP is still being studied for its use only in groups that have gay sex. and should not be used in people who also have the hepatitis B virus.

Follow the steps when coming to see the doctor. The doctor will draw blood to screen for HIV infection and check liver and kidney function. And check whether you have hepatitis B virus or not before prescribing the medicine. Daily PrEP should be taken at least 7 days before taking the risk. You must take 1 tablet every day at the same time. This will make the medicine effective enough to prevent infection. Most of which will prescribe enough medicine to consume for 3 months to monitor and screen for HIV infection while using the medicine or not. before dispensing additional medicine for a period of 3 months

As for how long will I have to use the medicine? The answer is to continue taking it until the risk is gone, such as in the group of sex workers. The doctor will advise you to use the medicine until you stop doing this job. Even if the risk is gone, you should not stop using the drug immediately. But you should continue taking it for at least 4 weeks and get tested for HIV again. If you are not infected, you will be able to stop using the medicine.

How to use On Demand PrEP

On Demand PrEP has quite specific methods of use. You must take 2 pills 2-24 hours before there is a risk of infection. And after having sex, you must take the pill every day, 1 pill per day, and continue for another 2 days after the risk is gone. or after the last time you had sex, for example, assuming you will be at risk on Monday night, you should take On Demand PrEP on Monday at 9:00 a.m., 2 tablets, then take it every day, 1 tablet a day at 9:00 a.m. On Wednesday, my girlfriend came home. Definitely not having sex. Then take the medicine for another 2 days, that is, Thursday and Friday at 9 a.m. then stop taking the medicine.

Studies have shown that if PrEP is taken correctly, on time, and regularly, it is up to 90% effective in preventing HIV infection.

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HIV prevention drug side effects

Both types of medicine may have minor side effects such as feeling tired, dizzy, and nauseous during the first 2-3 days of using the medicine. This is because the body is not yet accustomed to the medicine. But most of the symptoms are not severe. and can carry on with daily life as usual

After using PrEP / PEP, is there really no need to use condoms?

This is a misunderstanding. Because whether it is PrEP or PEP, it can only protect against HIV. But it must be clearly emphasized that it cannot protect against other sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, even if you have received PrEP / PEP, it is recommended to use condoms. Every time you have sex

Know that you are at risk of contracting HIV. Don’t panic! Hurry and do this.

Hurry to travel to the hospital near your home. To be screened for HIV, receive PEP medicine and take the medicine continuously in the correct way.

Thank you for information from: Phyathai Hospital

Picture from: freepik

HPV causes cervical cancer. It’s not just about women. Men are also at risk for cancer.

Is being infected with HPV not equal to having cervical cancer? Check the risks and how to prevent them.

2023-09-17 02:26:00

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